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老偷猎者是最好的看管人。An old poacher makes the best keeper.

这很可能是一个偷猎者干的。This was probably the work of a poacher.

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他是一个能以任何形式得分的猎人。He is a poacher who scores all types of goals.

猎者见有警察来到立刻仓皇逃走。The poacher beat a hasty retreat when he saw the police coming.

当然,在联赛的最后一场比赛中,奥萨苏纳需要一名奇兵。Osasuna certainly need a poacher for their final game of the season.

人们就这样看到克里斯吊在直升机下面的,他们以为是一个偷猎者。So people saw Chris in the harness and they assumed it was a poacher.

山庄是希刺克厉夫的土地,他在斥责着这个偷猎者。The Heights were Heathcliff's land, and he was reproving the poacher.

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而实际上,格鲁特及其同僚原来做的是偷猎者的营生。And actually, what Gelute and its colleague do so is the livelihood of poacher.

在这次行动中,我们将会亲自见证一名偷猎嫌疑人所付出的终极代价。On this mission, we would witness the ultimate price paid by a suspected poacher.

私自打猎的人住在森林里,走私的人住在山中或海上。The poacher lives in the forest, the smuggler lives in the mountains or on the sea.

5年多以前,在被子弹击碎鸟喙后,她险象环生地逃脱了偷猎者的追捕。More than 5 years ago, she narrowly escaped a poacher after a bullet shattered her beak.

绑匪把这些亚扎姆人献给赫特人贾巴,以偿还一笔旧债。The poacher offered the Yuzzum to Jabba the Hutt in the hopes of paying off an old debt.

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故事并没有完结,偷猎者将这个男孩当做自己的孩子养大,托拜厄斯成为了一个技巧高超的盗贼。And it didn't end there. The poacher raised him as his son, and Tobias became a skilled thief.

在该片余下的25分钟里并未涉及对那名非法偷猎者的处决。The execution of the alleged poacher is not mentioned in the remaining twenty-five minutes of the broadcast.

大部分女性都经历过各种的伴侣不忠,或是受害者,或是第三者。Most women have experienced mate-poaching in one form or another, either as the mate poacher or as the victim.

在北海道外的浅水水域,一只带刺的入侵者利用胸鳍刺爬过闪亮的火山砂。In the shallow waters off Hokkaido, a barbed poacher crawls across glistening volcanic sand on spiny pectoral fins.

我问艾弗森为什么你们的纪录片没有显示是一名美国人也就是马克•欧文斯的儿子枪杀了那名偷猎嫌疑人。I asked Everson why the ABC documentary did not reveal that an American, Mark Owens's son, had shot the alleged poacher.

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超级前锋保罗-罗西帮助意大利拿到射手榜首位,拿到的不仅是一块奖牌而是大赛最佳射手的称誉。Poacher supreme Paolo Rossi also got on the scoresheet for the Italians, picking up not only a winner's medal but the title of the tournament's top scorer.

但是,今年早些时候逮捕的一名携有孟加拉虎虎皮和虎骨的盗猎者使人们开始担心一个有组织的盗猎团伙正在孙德尔本斯红树林种活动。But the arrest of a poacher with tiger skins and bones earlier this year raised fears that an organised poaching group was operating in the mangrove forests.

这本书令人满意的上演了一个现代版的古老历险故事。它讲述了几个朋友效仿约翰•布彻笔下的偷猎者从而经历了一段具有传奇色彩的故事。This book about a group of friends restaging the exploits of John Buchan's legendary poacher is a satisfying, modern take on the old-fashioned adventure story.