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其崇高幻像中形成她的手。Her Noble Phantasm formed in her hand.

她是唯一能用空想具现化的死徒。She is the only Dead Apostle who managed to use Marble Phantasm.

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冷静的现实主义者啊,试着脱离幻觉以及整个人类所做的贡献吧。Try taking away the phantasm and the entire human contribution you sober realist.

舞台与生活同构交融的同时,是幻象与真实的难以辨识。While stage and life were interweaving, it was difficult to tell phantasm and reality.

主体幻象的提出是对文学阐释活动中主体本质和动态特征关注的必然结果。The subject phantasm is the product of subject essence and dynamic characters in the literary hermeneutics.

有好几个月,这只猫的样子都在我脑海里阴魂不散。我甚至后悔失去了它。For months I could not rid myself of the phantasm of the cat. I went so far as to regret the loss of the animal.

沉闷抑郁、密不透气的黑色背景,映衬著色彩缤纷、绚丽夺目的画中幻景。Standing against the gloomy and impenetrably dark background, the phantasm in the picture is colourful and magnificent.

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在文学阐释中,主体幻象从主体差异、语境变化及主体的想象性变化等方面建构阐释所需的间性空间。The subject phantasm constructs inter-space from subject diversity, context and subject imagination, changes for literary hermeneutics.

如果说大同是一个永难企及的憧憬,那么局部的大同景象也得凭依统一来保障。A partial scene of the Great Harmany should be ensured by the Uni-ty, if the Great Harmony las a phantasm vision, can not be achieved forever.

这个时代的标志是一个伟大的幻想种的增殖好比真祖和蛇发女妖,还有凡人与神之间伟大的交流。This period is marked by a greater proliferation of Phantasm Races such as the True Ancestors and Gorgons, and greater interaction between gods and mortals.

于是,一直存在于美国右翼人士世界观里的一种倾向——否定现实,和右翼自己无中生有的恶魔幻影喋喋辩论——庞大起来。So a streak that has always been there in the American right's world-view -- to deny reality, and argue against a demonic phantasm of their own creation -- has swollen.

考察文学视域与修辞幻象之间的关系,对从叙述角度领略文学语言的审美价值有着特殊的意义。Exploring the relationship between literary vision and rhetorical phantasm plays a significant role in the appreciation of literature language from the narrative perspective.

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文学视域在表现内容和表现形式上的多样性给修辞幻象以极大的空间,修辞幻象的审美价值也拓展了文学语言的表现视域。The diversity of literary vision offers rhetorical phantasm great space in both form and content , while the aesthetic value of rhetorical phantasm extends the expression vision of literary language.