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青楼小说是他创作中的主要类型。His brothel creation is a main type of his works.

碧波摇影寻旧梦,青楼游客追新潮。Bibo shake shadow dream hunt, chase trendy brothel visitors.

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这里住的大多数是正直青春期的少女。The brothel she lived in specialized in pre-pubescent girls.

保罗称考克利希望该计划能“被拍成电视”。Ellis said Corkery wanted the brothel plan "to be shot as a TV project".

抗战期间小楼与青楼女子菊仙结婚,蝶衣倍感孤独。Small building with the brothel during the war, married women Juxian, Dieyi feel lonely.

世尊在因地时,为度化众生而化现为一嫖客。The Buddha, in order to tame certain beings, was once reincarnated as a brothel visitor.

你以处子之身假扮青楼女子,正是你最大的败笔。You primp as brothel woman by the body of place son, is exactly your biggest flaw in prose.

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这就解释了深陷勾栏的同一个女人或同为姊妹的女人生下了这些孩子。It would account for the same woman or sisters giving birth to the children as a result of the brothel.

商人文化对士人文化、青楼文化产生了极大的推动作用。The businessman culture greatly promoted the flourishing of the personage culture and the brothel culture.

一个男人在等女友和客人上床时被捕了,又被当作抢劫犯带到了一个牢房了,在那里,他遇到了种种奇怪的事情.Paiko had been waiting for his girlfriend to have sex with her last client when the police raided the brothel.

不过,奥克兰市议会议员表示,尚未收到考克利的执照申请。Auckland City Council staff said they had not received any application for a brothel licence in the name of Corkery.

本篇论文以万历后期青楼的情爱书写与阅读为中心。This study discusses love writing and reading for "Ancient China Brothel" during the late Wan-Li of the Ming dynasty.

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由表及里,对十九世纪上海青楼的实际风貌作一种整体观照,并试图揭示这种青楼生活所体现的都市的深层文化特征。This book has a general description of the brothel life in Shanghai and tried to reveal the deep culture features in it.

纽西兰性工作者联合会的安娜称,专为女性提供性服务在纽西兰还是头一遭。Annah Pickering, of the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective, said a brothel dedicated solely to women would be the first of its kind.

当然,由于青楼文学的影响,元杂剧的部分妇女形象也有失真、庸俗的一面。Of course, due to the influence of the brothel literature, these woman images of the Yuan Opera are sometimes distorted and vulgarized.

当然,由于青楼文学的影响,元杂剧的部分妇女形象也有失真、庸俗的一面。Of course, due to the influence of the brothel literature, these women images of the Yuan Opera are sometimes distorted and vulgarized.

西乙球队塞雷斯在他们的主席辞职之后,也好不容易首次进军甲级联赛。And Xerez, whose president resigned after a drive-by shooting at a brothel last season, finally became a primera team for the first time.

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Kueperkoch先生说他对在该地区开窑子的前景很看好,他打算到最高法院打官司,提出赔偿要求。Mr Kueperkoch said that he was confident of demand for a brothel in the area and planned to take a claim for compensation to the highest court.

本文主要实现功能包括房产资讯、出租出售、求租求购信息等信息的发布和浏览。The main features of this paper include real estate information, lease sale, purchase brothel information and the dissemination of information here.

他提倡克制欲望而使肉体变得更加敏锐,因此他岌岌可危,逐渐成了那些在青楼小曲中被称为思想复杂者或脑力劳动者的人。He asks it to restrain its desire to make it keener. Thus he comes dangerously near to those who in brothel slang are called involved or brain-workers.