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政府采购普通公务车屏蔽合资车。Govt to exclude JV cars from purchase.

这是从属于联合经营的非常不同的安排。It was a very different arrangement under the JV.

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根据合资公司安全指示进行工作。Work according the flowserve jv safety instructions.

德州工厂,合资公司财务管理及财务分析。Dezhou factory, JV financial management and financial analysis.

他们必须与当地的合作伙伴合资生产。They invest with local JV partners because they are required to.

本合资厂是爱拓利公司在亚洲最大的燃气表生产厂。This JV is the largest gas meter factory owned by Actaris in Asia.

拒绝中铝交易后,力拓同必和必拓达成协议合营一个铁矿厂。After scrapping the Chinalco deal, Rio entered into an iron ore JV with BHP.

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约翰华费陶增加了一些额外的城市招摇,这个合资企业的明星球员半山鞋。John Varvatos adds some extra urban swagger to this JV Star Player Mid sneaker.

在经历了四次合资失败的故事后,惠而浦仍不甘心就此向中国市场谢幕。After four times of JV failure. Whirlpool is still not to reconcile to leave China market.

她说,“因为合资被终止,已经不再讨论”所有与必和必拓“共享的协议”。She said any "sharing agreement" with BHP "has been off the table since the JV was pulled.

协助乌拉圭新合资公司的市场拓展工作以及南美市场的汽车认证工作。Assisting marketing development of JV in Uruguay and Auto HOMOLOGATION work in South America.

入侵者随即将这笔资产转移到JV金融公司在夏威夷的账户上。The intruders then transferred the assets to a Hawaiian account of JV Financial, a bogus entity.

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几个主要的国际银行已在中国建立合资合作伙伴关系,如高盛与瑞银。Several major international banks already have JV partnerships in China, like Goldman Sachs and UBS.

该报告应经董事会主席签字并加盖合资公司的印章。The certificates shall be signed by the Chairperson of the Board and sealed with the JV Company's seal.

在中国法律许可的范围内,合营公司付给一方的一切款项应以美元支付。To the extend permitted by the PRC law, all payment by the JV Company to Party B shall be made in U. S.

在中国法律许可的范围内,合营公司付给一方的一切款项应以美元支付。To the extend permitted by the PRC law, all payment by the JV Company to Party B shall be made in U. S. Dollars.

在中国法律许可的范围内,合营公司付给乙方的一切款项应以美元支付。To the extent permitted by the PRC Law, all payments by the JV Company to Party B shall be made in U. S. Dollars.

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准许证券合资企业获得完全的业务牌照,而不同于当前只允许保险业和分销业。Grant JV securities' firms a full license instead of the present one which allows only underwriting and distributing.

根据这个报价,印度合资公司向日本烟草国际公司发行了每股1卢比的新股,溢价298卢比,发行的股票总计达29.3亿卢比。Under the offer, the Indian JV issued fresh equity of Re 1 each to JTI at a premium of Rs 298, amounting to Rs 293 crore.

普利康说,这家合资企业没有提供任何中国政府声称可能存在缺陷的信号技术。Pouliquen said the JV didn't provide any of the signaling technology that the Chinese government has said was possibly flawed.