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你知道,他是一只克朗代克狗。He's a Klondike dog, you know.

你不会是他在克朗代克的哥哥吧!You're not her Klondike brother!

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回到可怕的克朗代克的痛苦世界中去?Back into that awful Klondike world of suffering?

在克伦代克持续开采金矿对我们而言是无比的好事。The fact that gold mining continues in the Klondike has proved invaluable.

克朗代克接龙游戏是标准的牌类游戏。This is popular Klondike-Solitaire! Klondike Soliraire is standard cards game.

十九纪九十年代末,克朗代克淘金热时期的一新兴城镇,从1898年到1951年是该地区的首府。A boom town during the klondike gold rush of the late1890's it was the territorial capital from1898to1951.

全美国的许多公司向准备到克朗代克淘金的人出售各种必须品。Companies across the United States offered to sell all the supplies a gold seeker would need to take to the Klondike.

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1896年8月17日在西部育空地区克朗代克河和育空河交汇处附近发现了金矿。Gold was discovered on Aug. 17, 1896, near the confluence of the Klondike and Yukon rivers in western Yukon Territory.

大量的黄金会使一个人变得非常的富有,我们的故事从加拿大西部育空地区的一个叫克朗代克的地方开始。Enough gold to make a person extremely rich. Our story begins in an area called the Klondike in the Yukon Territory of western Canada.

与克朗代克河单人纸牌戏和蜘蛛单人纸牌戏相较,育空单人纸牌戏提供片刻的更多自由而且需要的技术比运气多。Comparing with Klondike solitaire and Spider solitaire, Yukon solitaire provides much more freedom of moment and requires more skill than luck.

报纸的文章告诉人们,要找到黄金是很容易的事,这些黄金就躺在地面上,你所要做的就是你必须到阿拉斯加,再到加拿大育空地区的克朗代克,到那去收集你的金子。It was just lying on the ground. All you had to do was go to Alaska, and then to the Klondike area of the Yukon Territory of Canada and collect your gold.

有些人组建起了公司开始购买在这一地区土地。Experts say about four thousand people became rich during the great Klondike gold rush. Groups of men formed large companies and began buying land in the area.

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发现金矿的秘密并没有保守太长的时间,很快就有其他人来到这三个人发现金矿的克朗代克流域,有些人也发现了大量的黄金,这些黄金足以使他们变得非常的富有。Other people quickly traveled to the area of the great Klondike River where the three had made the discovery. Some also found huge amounts of gold, enough to make them extremely rich.

乔治.科卢麦克、吉姆.梅森和道森.查理是在克朗代克这个地方第一批发现大量黄金的人。George Carmack, Skookum Jim Mason and Dawson Charlie were the first men to discover a great amount of gold in the Klondike. Before that August day, others had found gold, but never in huge amounts.