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中国也允许工业化吧!China is allowed to industrialize too!

这些国家都正在努力实现工业化和经济多元化。All are trying to industrialize and diversify their economies.

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我们应该尽最大的努力,使我们的国家工业化。We have to make our every effort to industrialize our country.

国成为第一个工业化的国家,原因如下Britain was the first country to industrialize because of the following factors

为了使经济现代化,中国必须扩大工业化和城市化。For China to modernize its economy, it must further industrialize , and urbanize.

在世界上很多国家,家禽业朝着工业化的方向不断发展。The poultry sector continues to grow and industrialize in many parts of the world.

我们也认识到越来越需要使某些经济部门实行工业化。We also realize the growing need and necessity to industrialize certain sections of the economy.

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我们也认识到越来越需要使某些经济部门工业化。We also realized the growing need and necessity to industrialize certain sectors of the economy.

本文认为,加速技术创新,尽快实现高新技术产业化,需要风险投资的支持。To accelerate technology innovation and industrialize hi-tech needs the support of risk investment.

在这世纪之交,非洲再一次努力实现工业化,如同在独立之初所做的那样。At the turn of the century, Africa is trying once more, as it did in independence days, to industrialize.

研究了工厂化育苗中不同覆盖物对黄瓜穴盘苗生长发育的影响。The effect of different coverage on plug seedling growth and quantity in industrialize production in cucumber were studied.

科技型企业核心竞争力的首要核心是知识和技术,以及产业化能力。The key of the core competence of the technology enterprise is knowledge, technology, and the ability to industrialize knowledge.

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本文在对贲亭酸甲酯的合成路线分析与评价的基础上,进行了以工业化为目的的合成研究。The study on the synthesis of pantenate to industrialize was carried out on the base of analysing and evaluating of different processes.

而尼赫鲁-印度第一任总理-则想要实现工业化,并把英国式的议会民主制和苏联风格的中央计划结合起来。Pandhit Nehru, the first prime minister, wanted to industrialize and combine British parliamentary democracy with Soviet-style central planning.

你需要使你的开发流程工业化,把人力资源从那些不需要创造性和脑力劳动的工作中解放出来。You need to industrialize the development process, relieving humans from any task that does not truly require creativity and human intelligence.

完善的知识管理是「知识产业化」与「产业知识化」不断循环的结果。The well-established KM circle denotes continuous improvement by repeating the basic cycle of Knowledge industrialize and Industry Intellectualize.

根据国外经验,有必要组建专业拉拉队,走专业化、产业化之路。According to the experience abroad, it is necessary to establish professional cheering squads to professionalize and industrialize cheering performance.

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然而,在我国传统工业化道路中,由于诸多因素的限制,农村剩余劳动力转移陷入了重重困境。However, on our tradition industrialize road, because of the restrict of many factors, the transference of village surplus labor force sink into the predicament.

富裕国家说,它们的温室气体排放已经开始下降,现在温室气体增长的大部分来自于开始进行工业化的贫穷国家。Richer nations say their greenhouse gas emissions have started to drop, and most of the growth in emissions will come from poor nations starting to industrialize.

19世纪,和其邻国相比,荷兰的工业化发展缓慢,主要是因为它只能靠地下水和风力。During the 19th century, The Netherlands was slow to industrialize compared to neighboring countries, mainly due to its unique infrastructure of waterways and reliance on wind power.