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他被晋封为贵族。He's been elevated to the peerage.

彼得先生被封为贵族。Sir Peter was raised to the peerage.

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每个贵族阶级都有代表。Each rank of the peerage was represented.

他被提升为贵族,受男爵的头衔。He was raised to the peerage with the title of Baron.

国王颁赐爵位这要职给将军。The king conferred the dignity of a peerage on the general.

她已经证实自己将接受贵族封号。She has confirmed that she will accept the honour of a peerage.

1997年,他被封为终身贵族,成为了塞德蒙顿的韦伯男爵。In 1997, he received a life peerage and became Lord Lloyd-Webber of Sydmonton.

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人们认为她最终可能接受贵族头衔,进入上议院。It's thought she may eventually accept a peerage and move to the House of Lords.

她从未去探访她们,而当伯克的贵族谎报两人已经死亡,她也不予纠正。She never visited them and when Burke's Peerage falsely reported them dead, she didn't correct the error.

英国英语中与爵位有关的词语较多,这与英国独特的爵位体制密不可分。British English has many peerage-related words, which is the reflection of peerage regime featuring Britain.

苏丹可以赐予平民Pehin头衔,这相当于英国的授予的终生贵族地位。The Sultan can award to commoners the title Pehin, the equivalent of a life peerage awarded in the United Kingdom.

具有最高世袭身份的贵族,尤指英国具有最高等级贵族身份的人。A nobleman with the highest hereditary rank, especially a man of the highest grade of the peerage in Great Britain.

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转引为古代贵族爵位的第二等,所谓“公、侯、伯、子、男”中的“侯爵”。" Quoted by the ancient peerage of the second and so on, so-called "public, Hou, Peter, son, male "in the" Marquis.

然而随着秦汉官僚制的逐步成熟,爵制中的非理智因素与之产生了矛盾。But with the maturation of bureaucrat system, the un-intellectuality factors of peerage engendered the contradiction with it.

伯克贵族名录还把布莱斯宗族上溯到哥泰姆,在英国传说中,这是疯子出没的地方。Burkes Peerage also traced the Blythe’s back to the village of Gotham, which, according to English legend, was a haunt of madmen.

两天后的婚礼,维多利亚女王在他在英国的贵族法夫和麦克达夫侯爵公爵。Two days after the wedding, Queen Victoria created him Duke of Fife and Marquess of Macduff in the Peerage of the United Kingdom.

西汉初期,二十等爵制已发展成熟,并广泛地融入汉初社会的政治、经济等各个方面。In early Western Han Dynasty, the degree peerage has developed maturation, and blended in every aspect such as politics, economy, etc.

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假若DNA测试日后可应用于检验世袭爵位血统,英女王家族的正统性亦会受质疑,相信会掀起更多争议!If DNA testing later applied to test a hereditary peerage lineage, the legitimacy of the British royal family will also be questioned, I believe would set off more controversy.

南部人都知道,他们与豪门显贵的密切关系让他们成为了南部邦联庞大的贵族阶级中的一员。They were related to the This Family and the That Family, which, as every Southerner knew, entitled them to membership in that enormous peerage which largely populated the Confederacy.

十二世纪晚期以来三个世纪中,法国出现的十二位「法兰西贵族」这种机制,表现出一种特别的权力属性。The institution of the Peerage of France, which started to appear in the late 12th century and lasted for three centuries, manifested a special form of power attribute in the Kingdom of France.