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我真受不了他那种溜须拍马的样子。I did overpower him the way he flattered.

刺穿现在影响压制而非斩杀。Impale now affects Overpower instead of Execute.

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你们害怕那些囚犯们会制服你们吗?Were you afraid the prisoners would overpower you?

父亲教我们永不言败。Fathers teach us to withhold the impulse to overpower.

像甜椒这样的蔬菜会抢了原汤的味道。Vegetables such as peppers can overpower the flavor of the stock.

你是怎么样克服拖延症和其它生产效率的障碍呢?How do you overpower procrastination or other productivity barriers?

把他痛扁一顿打趴为止,尽可能多地打断他骨头?Overpower and wrestel them to the ground, breaking as many bones as possible?

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同时要检查看看投影仪的亮度是否比房间的亮度强。Also, check to see if the projector is bright enough to overpower the room’s lighting.

有时候,意念的力量可以超越内心,我们的逻辑思维都是对的吗?Sometimes our mind tends to overpower the heart. It’s our logical faculty after all right?

右边的低电视柜是观看的非常好的角度,并且没有压倒房间的感觉。The low TV cabinet on the right is a nice height for viewing, yet doesn't overpower the room.

战斗放压制,防御放破甲,狂暴放旋风。Will cast Overpower in Battle stance, Sunder Armor in Defensive, and Whirlwind in Berserker stance.

在那趟旅途中,我被同事的观点-虽然这可能是有效地-在情绪上击败了我。On that trip, I let the perspective of my peers — valid though it may have been — emotionally overpower me.

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炸弹发出的嘟嘟声引开了丹尼的注意,马宏趁这个机会,制服了他,并且带着林肯逃离了。The beeping of the bomb distracts Downey just long enough for Mahone to overpower him and escape with Linc.

他战胜克诺比,用野蛮的原力推击昏这名绝地,但无法击败天行者。He bested Kenobi, knocking the Jedi unconscious with a brutal Force push, but was unable to overpower Skywalker.

而当韦德跳投并掌控比赛的节奏时,他不会突破防守——他肢解防守。When Wade is making his jumpers and is feeling the flow of the game, he doesn't overpower defenses -- he dissects them.

马宏和西奥多制服了他,然后用钥匙打开了安全门上的锁,他们发现了室内藏着的一堆自动机枪和假的身份凭证。Mahone and T-Bag overpower him and then unlock the secure door, where they find a cache of automatic weapons and fake IDs.

到了第二天喂食的时候,他们制服了看守,跳出笼子,跑到动物园外的公园里去了。The following day at feeding time, they overpower their keeper, leap out of the cage, and run into the park outside the zoo.

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他拚命挣扎,想把它们扯开,但巨蛇们制服了他的一切努力,用它们有毒的身体缠住他和他的孩子们,把他们活活勒死。He struggles to tear them away, but they overpower all his efforts and strangle him and the children in their poisonous folds.

巩俐有时会太过感性,以至于感情压倒了理智,而对待事物的观点也会失之偏颇。Gong Li sometimes lets her emotions overpower her reasoning and logic, and consequently she is sometimes biased in her opinions.

那里有好多肉店,我想我能够轻松地制服那些工作人员,然后拖走一大块肉。There are a lot of butchers' shops there, and I thought I'd easily be able to overpower the staff and drag off a joints of meat.