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旋进的频率上升了。The precession frequency goes up.

此陀螺运动叫做进动。This gyroscopic motion is called precession.

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从而得到了旋进的运动频率。That gives you the frequency of the precession.

然后他解释分点岁差。He then accounts for the precession of the equinoxes.

这是由于岁差现象所导致。It is due to a phenomenon called the precession of the equinoxes.

我必须一直这样,当我停下,旋进也停下了。I had to apply it all the time and when I stopped the precession stopped.

如果我使力加大,旋进的频率就会上升。And if I make the torque higher, then the precession frequency will go up.

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你们能看到旋进频率的,瞬间上升。And now you will see an instantaneous increase in the precession frequency.

我用另一种方法展示旋进,事实上,很有趣的。I can show you the precession in another way which is, in fact, very intriguing.

我们的实验以观察电子自旋的进动来测量变调率。Our experiment measured the decoherence rate by monitoring the precession of the spins.

按照进动规律,最终得到静电陀螺监控器中陀螺仪漂移误差模型的全量形式。According to the precession rule, the integrated drift error model of ESG in ESGM is given.

由于月岁差的关系,这个时间比近地点不变的情况下所需之时间长。Due to lunar precession , this time is longer than that if the perigee's position was fixed.

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试著改变转轴的角度,会造成旋转台及学生转动。Try to change the angle of the axis, precession will cause the platform and student to rotate.

因为地球有岁差数的问题,所以是按照1050BC的天象而定。Because Earth has a number of precession of the problem, is determined in accordance with Sky 1050BC.

相对论还包括一些更加深奥的细节,其中的一个被称作自转进动。The theory of relativity also includes some more esoteric details, one of which is called spin precession.

我们将这种运动称为,在这个例子,就是旋转的轮子的运动,称为旋进。We call this motion of the stool, and in this case the motion of the spinning wheel, we call that precession.

同时,进动的微多普勒特征可用于识别真假目标。Besides, the micro-Doppler signature of precession can be applied to the discrimination of the warhead and decoy.

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首先,如果力变大了,上面,说旋进的频率,也会上升。First of all, if you increase the torque, the upstairs, then it says that the precession frequency will increase.

这个结论和小行星自转轴不进动的假定是一致的。This conclusion is consistent with the hypothesis that the rotational axis of the minor planet has no precession.

所以,针对其应用中的不足,研制出更完善、适应天然气贸易市场需要的智能型旋进式旋涡流量计是很有必要的。It was necessary to design intelligent vortex precession flowmeter to meet the needs of trade market of natural gas.