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这是一个微笑?A smiley?

不要“笑脸盈盈”Don't be a "smiley face."

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想象一张黄色的笑脸。Imagine a yellow smiley face.

甚至还画了张笑脸作签名。They also signed it with a smiley face.

我搅碎了蛋黄并做出一个笑脸。I break the yolks and make a smiley face.

工作人员都是有善的,非常友好和充满笑容。The staff were all helpful, friendly and very smiley.

在加利福尼亚的卡拉维拉斯县,有个人名叫吉姆。California, there lived a man whose name was Jim Smiley.

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他发明了笑脸,写了不干胶贴和歌曲。He creates the smiley face, writes bumper stickers, and songs.

我要一个大谷汉堡包、一包薯条和一杯橙汁苏打水。I'd like the Big Barn Burger, Smiley Fries and an orange soda.

要打印这个片假名,后面再跟上一个笑脸符号,可以输入To print Katakana and follow it with a smiley face , enter this

他并非华尔街上假装笑脸、漠不关心的专家。He is no blithe guru spray-painting smiley faces along Wall Street.

在加利福尼亚的卡拉维拉斯县,有个人名叫吉姆?斯迈里。In Calaveras, California, there lived a man whose name was Jim Smiley.

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“这就像生活在没有笑脸的电子邮件世界里,”麦卡宾说。"It's like living in a world of email without smiley faces, " McCubbin said.

“笑脸”等造型礼花描绘出开放中国的图景。"Smiley face" style fireworks and other picture depicted the opening of China.

吉尼斯世界组织已经批准它成为最大的人体笑脸。The Guiness World Records organization has approved it as the largest human smiley.

别以为加了一个亲吻的笑脸就万事大吉。And please don’t think adding in a clever kissy smiley face will help matters at all.

斯迈利大喊,这时青蛙打嗝嗳气,吐出了好几盎司的威士忌酒。Smiley shouted, and at that moment the frog belched up a couple of ounces of whiskey.

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您的语音邮件将让你的收件人知道你的感受优于笑脸。Your voice email will let your addressee know how you feel better than the smiley face.

“我认为他的话非常精彩,”他在接受主持人泰威斯·斯迈里的采访时说。"I think it was brilliant, " he said in an interview with the broadcaster Tavis Smiley.

此外,您还可以创建自己的音频笑脸与内置的音频笑脸编辑器。In addition, you can create your own audio smileys with the built-in audio smiley editor.