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他朝我望了一眼。He cast me a look.

可锻铸铁。Smithing cast iron.

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中等硬度铸铁。Smithing cast iron.

甩开这孩子!Cast off this child!

可锻铸铁。Malleable cast iron.

这头母牛早产了。The cow cast a calf.

抛开你的忧虑吧。Cast your care aside.

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他们有庞大的阵容。They have a big cast.

可锻铸铁。Medium hard cast iron.

好母牛难免产劣犊。The cow cast her calf.

马脱了一只蹄铁。The horse cast a shoe.

你将穿进我的石膏吗?Will You Sign My Cast?

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不可为自己铸造神像。Do not make cast idols.

多叶的树下有树荫。Leafy trees cast shade.

明珠暗投。Cast pearls before swine.

他常在这条小河边钓鱼。He often cast this brook.

这条蛇已脱过皮。The snake has cast its skin.

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把鱼网撒入小河池。Cast the net into the stream.

他常在这小河边垂钓。He has often cast this brook.

我想铸一把玄铁剑。I want to cast a Xuantiejian.