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在经文的描述中,这样重复地强调欢乐是绝无仅有的。It is unparallel in the scripture where there is such emphasis on joy.

步履桩机用一辆平板车转场此为先例。It is unparallel that track pile driver can be transferred with a flat truck.

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本公司所有贷款服务办理不成功均不收取任何费用!Hence, the loan processing or whatsoever, it goes at a speed which is unparallel.

这一市场的增长使得中国和世界冬季体育运动从中长期收益。Winter sport in China and abroad will be the long-term beneficiary of this unparallel growth.

这无与伦比的石头有戏剧性的运动之间的强烈的颜色黑色,深金褐色。This unparallel stone has dramatic movement intergraded with intense colors of black, deep gold and tan.

宾瑟说︰「担任交换学生是一个青少年最难能可贵的体验。"Going on exchange is an experience unparallel to anything else you can do as a teenager, " Binzer said.

图形界面以不可比拟的优势成为现代软件界面的主导形式。With its unparallel advantage, the Graphical User Interface becomes- the dominant pattern of the modern software interface.

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络筒机在络纱时容易造成纱线长度长短不一,这将导致后续整经工序中纱线的巨大浪费。Winding frame silk would make the yarn unparallel in the course of winding which will result in great waste of yarn in later procedure.

德律风根优化动态快速画面,提升画面更新率,更流畅及解决影像模糊晃动,给您极致的视觉享受。TELEFUNKEN enhancing dynamic picture, upgrading refreshing rate, generating smoother and stable picture, enjoy the unparallel visual experience.

这些成分集中分布在议论性和抒情性的文体中,在叙事性文体中,句式则以纯正散体为多。These elements are mainly distributed in the argumentative or lyric writings, while the narrative writings are completely made up of unparallel sentences.

网络教学是现代教育不可缺少的一部分,其开放性和互动性是传统教学无法相比的。With unparallel advantages in openness and interaction compared with traditional education, network education is an indispensable part of modern education.

一百多年来,许多国家和地区纷纷出台法律规范对其进行规制。然而,当前我国在此领域内的立法仍属空白,这与国际立法趋势以及我国经济发展的实际需求极不协调。While it's still blank in this field in China's legislation, which is very unparallel to the international legislative trend and the actual demand of China's economy development.

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德律风根呈现更精确细致的影像,画面更立体流畅,为您缔造无与伦比的视觉新享受。TELEFUNKEN Images are presented vividly with higher precision and definition. More dynamic and smooth images are delivered with extra contrast. Let you enjoy the most unparallel sight.

首先,在三维空间内利用光线追迹法,对刻线不平行而光栅面平行时的压缩光栅对进行研究。Firstly, the system of parallel grating pair, in which the grating grooves is unparallel while the grating surfaces is parallel, has been studied with the tri-dimensional ray-tracing method.