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指标和声光报警。Audible and visual indicator alarm.

一种有低压氖气放电管的灯。A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas.

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一般认为泡沫要破碎都得带声响儿。BUBBLES are supposed to burst with an audible pop.

一阵音乐声传来,学生们嘁嘁喳喳的说话声停止了。Music became audible and students stopped murmuring.

只听砰的一声,库马思就回到了布鲁克林。There was an audible pop, and Kugelmass was back in Brooklyn.

几乎在同时大家听到了号角声。Almost at the same moment, a blast of trumpets became audible.

把前灯打开,我听到她用小的几乎听不见的声音说。Turn the headlights on, I heard her say in a barely audible voice.

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蝙蝠也会发出可以听到的吱吱声,用以在同类当中进行沟通。Bats also produce audible squeaks to communicate amongst themselves.

以下图表显示正常人耳的听觉范围。The following diagram shows the audible range of a normal human ear.

碧空极静,无任何声响,静得可闻内心的言语和感叹。Blue sky very quiet, no noise, Jing De inner speech and audible sighs.

大厅里隐隐约约响起了交谈声,来人很快便进了屋。Some parleying was audible in the hall, and soon the new-comer entered.

典型体征为心尖区闻及喀喇音和收缩期杂音。The typical sign was audible click and systolic murmur in cardiac apex.

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四周一片听的见的寂静,连平常的声音听来也觉异样。There was an audible stillness. in which the common voice sounded strange.

更为先进的功能有可听的触发事件分析与整合命名标签功能。Advanced features include audible event triggering and name tag integration.

隔壁屋子里传来一阵翻动废铁的声音。In the neighboring room, the sound of iron articles being moved was audible.

黄先生在描述该剧在芝加哥上演时关键时刻能听到叹息声时说。Hwang, describing the audible gasps at key moments during the play's Chicago run.

拿着相机和手机的游客,气喘吁吁地追过来。There are audible gasps from tourists, who rush over with their cameras and phones.

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可听阈内的切削声信号包含着丰富的刀具磨损信息。The cutting sound signal in audible range includes a plenty of tool-wear information.

应该有一个实际意义上的点名程序,例如按人头报数或身份认证卡之类的。There must be a physical count system, like an audible roll call or an ID tag system.

她在倾听副官一刻也没停止的呻吟,呻吟是从三间房舍以外传来的。She was listening to the never- ceasing moan of the adjutant, audible three huts away.