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地牢里一定会有暗门之类的东西。There must be some like trapdoor or something.

莉莎爬过暗门的时候说。Lisa said, after crawling through the trapdoor.

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单向限门函数在公钥密码学中有着重要的应用。One-way trapdoor function has impotents applications in public cryptography.

莉莎说,“想要的话你还是爬回去吧。Lisa said. “If you want personal hygiene, climb back up and out the trapdoor.

“我坠过一道消沉的活板门,”喜欢用夸张隐喻的迈克说道。I had fallen through a trapdoor of depression, ' said Mark, who was fond of theatrical metaphors.

在布宜诺斯艾利斯的时候,我每天都能听到有关中产阶级人士穿过活动门、跌入第三世界的故事。Every day in Buenos Aires I heard stories of middle-class people who had fallen through the trapdoor.

在灯塔的最后一间房间,在火室中。仔细看,应该有一个活动门在你的上方!In the last room of the lighthouse, in the fire chamber. Look, there should be a trapdoor just above you!

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目的寻找一种颈椎后路“双开门”术治疗颈椎管狭窄症新的理想方法。Objective To search a new treatment moted of cervical stenosis by posterior cervical double trapdoor technique.

现有的无陷门单向散列函数都是迭代算法,例如SHA和MD系列算法等。The existing one-way hash functions without trapdoor are all iterative algorithms, for instance, MD and SHA family, etc.

用这个筹码扭松螺丝,打开电梯的天窗。跳进去,除掉那两个机器人卫兵,噗噗!Use this casino chip to unscrew the trapdoor on top of the elevator. Jump down inside and take out the two robot guards, pop-pop!

坐在教室里,我总是渴望在我的课桌下能出现一个暗道,我可以溜进凉爽的地下室,尽享我的自由。Sitting in school, I would long for a trapdoor under my desk through which I could slip into the cool basement and out to freedom.

我们姑且认为,它们就像所有螲蟷一样,一生都生活在地洞里。当雄性螲蟷性成熟后,它们会在洞穴内四处游荡寻觅雌性螲蟷,”哈维说。We presume that they live in burrows for their entire lives—like all trapdoor spiders—and when males mature, they wander in search of females in their burrows, " Harvey said."

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通过对室内挡板下落试验的颗粒流数值模拟,验证了颗粒流模拟土拱效应的可行性。Simulation of soil arching by particle flow code was proven feasible through comparison of the results of trapdoor simulated by particle flow code with those of trapdoor tests.

根据单向陷门函数的陷门性质,文章设计了一种安全有效的基于RSA的概率公钥密码算法,并对其正确性进行了证明。Based on trapdoor one-way function, this paper presents a RSA -based probabilistic public-key algorithm with security and efficiency and the correctness of algorithm was proved.

RSA演算法是函数有暗门特性的首例,这项成果让他们赢得了2002年的涂林奖,这是电脑科学界的最高荣誉。The RSA algorithm was the first example of a function with a trapdoor property. For this work they won the 2002 A. M. Turing Award, the most prestigious prize in computer science.

那些人住在好几座木屋里,每座木屋都有一个活板门,通向一个地下掩体,一旦当局的人靠近,他们就可以从掩体中开火,而且他们有大量的武器弹药向执法人员开火。The people lived in several cabins, each of which had a trapdoor that led to a dugout from which they could fire on approaching authorities. And they had a lot of weapons to fire.

NTRU公钥密码体制的陷门单向函数与以往的有所不同,其单向性依赖于会话密钥的随机性,且解密不需要知道有关随机会话密钥的任何信息。The trapdoor one-way function in NTRU is different from previous ones. Its one-wayness depends on the randomness of session keys, and decryption needs not any information about the session key.