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我感到头晕。I feel lightheaded.

你可能感到头昏眼花。You might suddenly feel lightheaded.

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头晕-感觉头昏眼花或无气力。Dizziness-feeling lightheaded or faint.

你可能会突然感到头晕。You might suddenly feel light headed lightheaded.

当我站起来时,觉得有点轻飘飘的,但并不会头晕。When I stood up, I felt lightheaded but not dizzy.

光是看着就有头脑放松的感觉。It almost makes you feel lightheaded just watching.

她在稀薄的高山空气中头昏眼花。She was lightheaded from the rarefied mountain air.

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他们也可能会感到头昏眼花和胃里不舒服。People might also feel lightheaded and sick to their stomach.

为什么藏族人在海拔如此高的地方不会觉得头昏眼花呢?Why don't Tibetans feel lightheaded this high above sea level?

报道又说。艾弗森回来了。可是还是输了。"I was still just real lightheaded , " Iverson said after the game.

你可能会突然头昏眼花痛,也可能会感觉胃不舒服。You might suddenly feel lightheaded . You might also feel sick to your stomach.

或许你会突然感到头晕眼花,也可能感到你的胃不大舒服。You might suddenly feel lightheaded . You might often feel sick to your stomach.

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为什么藏族人在海拔如此高的地方不会觉得头昏眼花呢?秘密在于他们的基因。Why don't Tibetans feel lightheaded this high above sea level? It's in the genes.

头眼昏花的我在路上漫无目的地瞎逛。途中,一个十分漂亮的姑娘俘虏了我了目光。In the midst of my lightheaded rambling I caught sight of a stunningly beautiful young girl.

你可能会突然感到头昏眼花,或是胃部不适。You might suddenly feel like headache lightheaded . You might also feel sick to your stomach.

忽然,我感到一阵头昏眼花,一种非凡醉人的气味吸入我的鼻孔。Abrupt, I feel lightheaded , the odour of a kind of special intoxicate is inspiratory my nostril.

你可能会突然感觉头昏眼花,你也可能会感觉胃不舒服。You might suddenly feel light headache, you lightheaded . You might also feel sick to your stomach.

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你会突然感觉到头昏眼花,或者感觉到反胃。You might suddenly feel light headcahe, you lightheaded . You might also feel sick to your stomach.

我穿上了外套,在温暖的公寓里,我开始感觉晕眩。It may have been because I had my coat on, and the apartment was warm, but suddenly I began to feel lightheaded.

我想,或许他有点神志不清了。十一点钟,照规定给他服药后,我便出去了一会儿。I thought perhaps he was a little lightheaded and after giving him the prescribed capsules at eleven o'clock I went out for a while.