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你看起来真帅。You look sharp.

我需要一支尖的铅笔。I need a sharp pencil.

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你的耳朵真灵。You've got sharp ears.

花簇向天空维维。Sharp to sky of flowers.

这把斧头的刃口锋利。The ax has a sharp edge.

他削铅笔时把手指割破了。The pencil is cut sharp.

是一刀在石上磨!A sharp knife on a stone!

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铅笔削得太尖了。This pencil is too sharp.

他的角看起来非常尖利。His horns look very sharp.

利斧锋镰战旗红。Sharp sickle axe flag red.

猫有着锋利的脚爪。Cats have very sharp claws.

走开,尖锐的白牙!GO AWAY, sharp white teeth!

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尖椒一个切丝。Sharp pepper cuts the silk.

汽车拐了一个急弯。The car made a sharp curve.

群众的眼睛是雪亮的。The masses have sharp eyes.

请勿以手指测试刀锋的锋利度。Do not test sharp by finger.

尔看到他们秃秃的耳朵了。I see the sharp point's ear.

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鲁宾是一个非常犀利的家伙。Rubin is a pretty sharp guy.

你今天看上去真帅啊。You really look sharp today.

屠夫需利刃。A butcher needs sharp knives.