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关键是要讲旧的和新的数据融合在一起。The key is to meld the old with the new.

蒸煮的时间微微长一点是个不错的选择,这样可以确保每种配料的味道均表现出来。Cook a little longer to make sure the flavors meld together.

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一项最新研究将其归因于交谈双方之间的一种“心灵融合”。A new study chalks it up to a sort of "mind meld" between participants.

然后您可以用它包装任何类以结合日志功能。You can then wrap just about any class with it to meld in the logging capability.

实际上,大部分瑞典女性发现很容易将妇女的柔弱性和女权主义理想融合。In fact, most women in Sweden find it easy to meld femininity with feminist ideals.

在跨阿拉斯加输油管道上,隆冬天气里的幻日融合成了一个围绕太阳的光环。Above the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in midwinter, sundogs meld into a halo around the sun.

聊到我们都热衷的共同兴趣时,感觉就像心有灵犀一点通。All common interests we're both passionate about. It was a bit like a Vulcan mind meld.

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将阿梅里奥所谓“两种迥异的文化”融合在一起,这也许是联想试图做的最大创新。Nothing could be as novel as its attempt to meld what he calls “two uniquely different cultures”.

他们的心融化了,他们变革了一道美丽的彩虹,在他们那真我的核心,独有特有的联盟。The hearts meld and the two foray a beautiful rainbow of self in self in self in the one of the one of themselves.

菲尔杰克逊是禅师。他能够将任何情况融合成湖人板凳席多种个性的混合。Phil Jackson is the Zen Master. He's able to meld any piece into the wild mix of personalities on the Lakers bench.

他拍摄这些螳螂二十多次,然后利用电脑将许多图像融成一个单一图像。He photographed these praying mantises dozens of times and then used a computer to meld those views into a single image.

我们会尽力将功夫元素融入足球训练,希望能够提高中国的足球水平,”延鲁补充道。We will try to meld the kung fu into the football training, hopefully improving the level of Chinese football," added Yanlu.

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一个是皮塔布朗和所有的12首原创歌曲这完全融为一体根岩石和穆迪备选案文国惊人突破的专辑。One and All is Pieta Brown's stunning breakout album with 12 original songs that perfectly meld roots rock and moody alt-country.

谁要是第一个将商业消息发布以体面的方式融合进新型社交网络,谁就会成为广告商们削减脑袋想要巴结的人。The first site to meld commercial messaging gracefully into these new group dynamics will have advertisers poking them to be friends.

本分析代表移植等候者和肝移植受体在MELD评分完成后的一个研究。This analysis represents a study of waitlisted candidates and transplant recipients of liver allografts after the MELD score was implemented.

结论终末期肝病患者术前MELD评分值越高,肝移植后早期严重并发症发生率和死亡率越高。Conclusions A higher MELD score before liver transplantation is associated with greater likeliness of early-stage complication rate and mortality.

这与丙型肝炎病毒感染登记人数相比,在2002年出现重叠,然后恢复到以前的水平。This was in contrast to the number of registrants with HCV, which dipped in 2002 following implementation of MELD then regained its previous level.

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最近,物理学家试图把引力和量子理论融为一体,由此来解释空间和时间的性质,已经开始重新研究这个老问题。Recently, physicists trying to meld gravity and quantum theory, and so explain the nature of space and time, have begun to revisit this old question.

如果高品质的积极造型是你的一个轮子在看,不要再观望,Mazzi车轮概念融合成一个奢侈和极端的造型。If high quality aggressive styling are what your looking for in a wheel, look no further , Mazzi wheels concepts meld luxury and extreme styling into one.

很少有哪家公司的管理团队在收购别家业务时感到轻松,因为他们担心被收购公司的企业文化难以与自己的“速配成功”。Few management teams feel comfortable buying the operations of another company, worrying that the culture of an acquired company might not meld with their own.