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我可以当城堡的领主吗?。Can I be Lord of a Holdfast?

这种吸附器并不能提供任何养料。No nourishment is provided through the holdfast.

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骑士可能有一个战士小跟班。A knight could have a small holdfast and garrison of men-at-arms.

孝敬父母,就是我们应当向黄香学习的思想品德。Filial piety towards parents, is that to which we should holdfast.

一种类似树根的结构使它紧紧吸附在大洋底部。It is anchored to the ocean floor by a root-like structure called a holdfast.

只要走短短一段路,我就到家了,回到托曼身边,回到梅葛楼我自己的房间。A little walk and I’ll be home, I’ll be back with Tommen, in my own chambers inside Maegor’s Holdfast.

托萨布巴那蛮横的礼节之福,他同时也驾驶着比赛中最大的火球之一。Thanks to some chicanery courtesy of Sebulba , Holdfast also piloted one of the largest fireballs in the race.

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方法22例应用硅胶软管作为支撑物施行下泪小管断裂吻合术。Methods 22 cases of ruptured inferior lacrimal canaliculus were operated with silica gel collapsible bulb skillfully as holdfast.

目的探讨硅胶软管作为支撑物在下泪小管断裂吻合术中应用及效果。Objective To discuss the effect of ruptured inferior lacrimal canaliculus anastomosis with silica gel collapsible bulb as holdfast.

然而眼前这个老人削瘦枯槁,比罗柏高不了多少,手脚紧缚身后,静待国王的旨意发落。But the man they found bound hand and foot to the holdfast wall awaiting the king's justice was old and scrawny, not much taller than Robb.

结论硅胶软管作为支撑物使手术操作简便易行,效果良好。Conclusions The ruptured inferior lacrimal canaliculus anastomosis with silica gel collapsible bulb as holdfast tames out easily and successfully. The effect is good.