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这是在全椒还是在伦敦?What is going on, CEO???

现在,我是谷歌公司的首席执行官。I'm now the CEO of Google.

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我是这家公司的首席执行官。I’m the CEO of the company.

乔纳森伊夫被任命为苹果电脑公司首席执行官。Jonathan Ive named Apple CEO.

汤玛斯︰这位是侯先生,我们的执行长。Thomas︰This is Mr. Ho, our CEO.

那位管理低能的首席执行官是……杰夫•贝索斯。The micromanaging CEO? Jeff Bezos.

斯皮尔伯格打电话给迪斯尼的首席执行官鲍勃·伊格尔。Spielberg called Disney CEO Bob Iger.

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2008年杨毅受聘担任公司总经理。Mr. Yang was recruited as CEO in 2008.

他们为新来的首席执行官举行了欢迎会。They held a reception for the new CEO.

有两家公司执行长的个人小传出类拔萃。Two CEO biogs stand out from the crowd.

董事会开始物色常任CEO人选Board Initiates Search for Permanent CEO

如果可以的话,让他们去向首席执行官陈述。Have them present to the CEO if you can.

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墨斐已经是该公司在一年内的第三任CEO了。Murtaugh will be its third CEO in a year.

这次才是我的时代,我是首席执行官。That is about me this time. I am the CEO.

Harford在去年一月份加入Orbitz担任首席执行官。Harford joined Orbitz as CEO last January.

因为,你已经成为自己生命的首席执行官。Because, you’ve become the CEO of your life.

这是我作为CEO不断编辑的东西。That's what I'm constantly editing as a CEO.

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毫无疑问,他就是传说中的“摇滚明星式”CEO。There is no doubt he is the "Rock Star" CEO.

李总裁亲自修改了合同草案。CEO Li has revised the contract draft himself.

现任CIDG首席网络架构师兼CEO。Incumbent CIDG Chief Network Architect and CEO.