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天候控制—扩大天然地脉的能量及交流Weather Control- Amplification of Natural Ley Energy- Communication

可是,只要越来越多的人进行基因组测序,这个问题就会得到改善,莱依说。But that will change once more people have their genomes sequenced, Ley said.

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但这是我们第一次看到全景。But this is the first time that we've been able to look at everything," Ley said.

党内象莱伊之流的混蛋和流氓把持了政府与军事机构。Party fools and plug-uglies like Ley permeated the state and military structures.

提出了流域实施清沽生产工作重点。Put forward the work emphasis of carrying out clean production in Songhua river val- ley.

但是,像克鲁利这样的人,当然了,还有亚茨拉菲尔这样的人,从一开始就被定好了基调。Whereas people like Crow?ley and, of course, himself, were set in their ways right from the start.

“某些时候,你必须退后一步说,'这是你的母亲,这是你的家庭,这是血浓于水'”莱伊先生说。“At somepoint, you have to step back and say, ‘This is your mother, this isfamily, this is blood, ’ ” Mr. Ley said.

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这种援助成了她儿子的婚姻紧张局势的根源,并促使莱伊先生和他的妻子寻求心理医生的帮助。The assistancebecame a source of tension in her son’s marriage, prompting Mr. Ley andhis wife to seek the help of a therapist.

有利海鲜渔村位于西贡粮船湾,渔村自设码头,陆路或海路均可到达。Yau Ley Seafood Restaurant located in High Island Sai Kung. We have a small pier here. Visitors can come to our restaurant by boat or on foot.

这一次,莱伊女士提供了她如何花钱的详细预算,细到猫粮和理发,以证明她的节俭。This time, Ms. Ley provided the couplewith a detailed budget of how she was spending her money, down to catfood and haircuts, proving her frugality.

除了使用抗生素治疗耳朵感染之外,豌豆和配方奶的摄入引起了这种身体最好的巨变。Besides a course of antibiotics to treat an ear infection, it was the introduction of peas and formula milk that caused the greatest upheavals, Ley says.

城市里的能量装置强化了伊利丹的力量,他开始使用萨格拉斯之眼施展一个毁灭性的法术来对付位于遥远的诺森德大陆上的巫妖王。Strengthened by the city's ley power lines, Illidan used the Eye to cast a destructive spell against the Lich King's citadel of Icecrown in distant Northrend.

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莱说,童年早期会是很好的时期,在这个时期里要巧妙的处理影响未来身体健康的肠道细菌。因为在这个年纪,细菌显得已经准备好应对日常饮食的改变。Ley says early childhood could be a good time to manipulate gut bacteria to influence future health, since the bacteria appear to respond readily to changes in diet at this age.

维尔纳·冯·布劳恩、威利·雷、弗雷德·惠普尔等广受尊敬的科学家为该杂志撰文,包括切斯利·博尼斯泰尔在内的许多著名插画家为这些文章配图,真可谓是阵容强大。The combination of respected scientists such as Wernher von Braun, Willy Ley and Fred Whipple with dynamic illustrators including the amazing Chesley Bonestell was a potent mix.

简·利说,过去10年来,政府行为准则办公室接到越来越多的技术协助要求,这显示,有越来越多的国家在寻找这样的学习机会。The number of countries seeking such learning opportunities is growing, as indicated by increasingly frequent requests for technical assistance from OGE in the last 10 years, Ley said.