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他不由地轻笑,为她那大胆而直接的眼神。He stared back, with a slight smile at her forwardness.

高弹性、速度快,前冲性快攻反胶,既有速度,又有旋转。It has characteristics of high elasticity, fast speed, forwardness and high spinning.

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请原谅我这么直接,我们目前还不能接受你们。Forgive me for my straight- forwardness that we can not accept your product at present.

很多人打他的卤莽下跌和吹号角的方式,但他总是似乎顶端。Many folks down play his forwardness and horn blowing ways, but he always seems to be on top.

这就是为什么防御性的表现会如此急切,犬想赶走这威胁。That's why a defensive display has such forwardness to it, the dog wants to push the threat away.

随着高等教育大众化的实施,地级市所属高校得以迅速发展。With the forwardness of higher education popularization, the regional universities have got rapid development.

搏斗性是指犬在工作中不仅表现出出于猎性的积极进取精神,同时体现着强烈的防御性。My definition of fight drive is "a dog that is working with the forwardness of prey and the intensity of defense."

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安妮唯一感到惊奇的是,事情发展得如此迅速,居然谈起了亨丽埃塔的结婚礼服。Anne's only surprise was, that affairs should be in forwardness enough for Henrietta's wedding-clothes to be talked of.

湿物料在筒体内向前移动过程中,直接或间接得到了载热体的给热,使湿物料得以干燥。In the process of moving forwardness in the barrel, the wet materials are directly or indirectly gained the heat of the heat-carrying agent and be dried.

工业化是一个国家或地区由落后走向发达、由贫困走向富裕的经济发展的必经阶段。Industrialization is the essential stage of economic development for a country or region to change from backwardness to forwardness and from poverty to prosperity.

装配语义是零件间装配约束的抽象与概括,研究基于语义的产品装配设计可有效地提高装配设计的直观性与装配效率。Assembly semantics is the abstract and generalization of assembly constraints among parts, thus using semantics can prominently enhance the straight forwardness and efficiency of assembly design.