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八字方针,核心是调整。The essence of the eight-character policy is readjustment.

一未经许可,私自变更重划农地之使用者。The land use after farmland readjustment without approval.

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你们的进出口贸易有了一些调整,是吗?Youve made some readjustment in your import and export business, havent you?

安定团结的政治局面如果遭到破坏,调整工作就根本无法进行。If stability and unity are disrupted, readjustment will be out of the question.

我们应该用改造和重新调整的观念来代替惩罚的观念。We should substitute ideas of reform and readjustment for the idea of punishment.

出现以上情况时,请把电热水瓶送往维修部检查、维修及校正。In this case, take it to the maintenance shop for repair, check, and readjustment.

经济的崩溃则通过经济的重新调整和再次稳定,为未来的可持续增在做好了准备。The bust brings readjustment and reestablishes the potential for sustainable growth.

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如果联储会进场干预,那么,就会阻止房价进一步降低的自我调节。The federal agenda is to intervene to try so as to prevent the readjustment of prices lower.

然而,这种合理的农业结构调整,带来的是巨大的劳动量。However, this kind of readjustment framework would bring about an enormous rise in employment.

“重新安排山河”的另一个机缘是上海郊区农业结构的调整。" rescheduling sun" is another opportunity Shanghai Rural readjustment of the agricultural structure.

在调整中实行高度的集中统一,是完全必要的。It is absolutely necessary to have a high degree of centralism and unification during the readjustment.

而忽视对城市用地的土地整理工作是低效的、不完全的.也是不能持久的。It is of low effect and uncomplete, then perphaps unsustainable development without urban land Readjustment.

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当前,国际形势纷繁复杂,国际格局正在经历深刻调整。The international situation is now very complex, and the global pattern is undergoing profound readjustment.

进入90年代澳门经济转入调整期,发展速度放缓。Beginning from the l990's Macao's economy entered a period of readjustment with its growth rate slowing down.

调整后的浙江大学成为一所多科性的工业大学。After the readjustment and restructuring, Zhejiang University became a multidisciplinary polytechnical university.

重庆市三峡库区是一个比较典型的生态脆弱区,耕地整理的作用在这一地区显得尤其重要。Chongqing three-gorges reservoir area is a typical fragile area of ecology, so the land readjustment is very important.

振兴东北老工业基地是中央的又一重大战略调整。It is another great strategical readjustment of the central government to rejuvenate the Old Northeast Industrial Base.

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我国开展城市土地整理的目的就是提高土地利用集约化水平和调整土地利用结构合理化。The goal urban land readjustment is improving the efficiency of urban land use and rationalizes the land use structure.

分析了行政区划调整可能引起边界线变化的各种情况。This paper analyses all kinds of possible situations of boundary for the reason of administrative division readjustment.

调整原子灰配方,不用除去原子灰灰尘且不打磨底漆,底漆与原子灰间附着力可达到0级。Additionally, the adhesion between primer and inter coat can reach grade 0 only by readjustment of the putty formulation.