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麻烦可能再次爆发。Trouble could flare anew.

咹,你好。真傐兴再次见到你。Hi, Ann. Nice to see you anew.

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我们准备从头开始。We prepare ourselves to start anew.

这一来,又是一天过去。In this path, anew is a day pass at.

寒鸦在栖木上又叫了一次。The jackdaw perches and starts anew.

她让亚洲人开始重新看待美国。She made Asians look at America anew.

拥有足够的信心,使你不致丧志!Enough determination to keep you anew.

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铁柱哥,你又流氓了。Iron elder brother Zhu, you anew rogue.

裁缝给我量尺寸做了一套新衣服。The tailor took my measure for anew suit.

捕捉,并重复这动人的乐音Cath, and repeat the Trembling Sounds anew

中了蚀心腐骨丸又如何?Won the eclipse heart Fu bone pill anew how?

今天的你有机会重新开始生活。Today you have the opportunity to begin anew.

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总有一天会从新挖掘出来一点一滴铸造成美好。One day it will anew exhumed bit minted into good.

小学生活即将结束了。到了新的学习时间。School is nearlly finished. It's time to start anew.

1898年,玛丽发现沥青铀矿中的一个新元素。In 1898, Marie found anew element in the pitchblende.

奥雷·舍为新加坡创造了一个全新的地标。Ole Scheeren has created anew landmark for Singapore.

今天,美国再次对全世界各族人民说Today, America speaks anew to the peoples of the world

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关节镜外科是骨科的一项新技术。Arthroscopic surgery is anew technique for orthopaedic.

李荇帮忙也就算了,又怎能拖累了他?Li Xing helps also even if, how can implicate him anew?

但是,为了富于说服力,每一张脸必须当做全新的来观看。But in order to be eloquent every face must be seen anew.