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阿达尔说,将朱能够防范所有吗?Adar said, Will Raju be able to guard all alone?

阿达玛上将认为阿达尔总统是什么样的人?。What did Admiral Adama consider President Adar to be?

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我真的很困惑,我提请大家注意的阿达尔也。I was really puzzled and I drew attention of Adar also.

于是规定每年"阿达尔"月十三日为庆日。They decreed that it should be observed every year on the thirteenth of Adar.

在赛昂人袭击卡布里卡之前,阿达尔总统与谁有暧昧关系?President Adar was having an affair with whom prior to the Cylon attack on Caprica?

多登纳与密友阿达·塔隆合著了一本有关星际飞船战斗和包围战术的书。With his close friend Adar Tallon, Dodonna wrote the book on starship combat and siege tactics.

且应在十二月“阿达尔”月十叁日那一天,在薛西斯帝国各省内开始生效。On one day in every division of the kingdom of Ahasuerus, that is, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month Adar.

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阿达尔和我本人是来自偏远地区的西孟加拉邦和没有任何想法这种旅行的路线,过多的领域不知道我们在所有。Adar and myself were from remote places in West Bengal and did not have any idea about such a travel by road that too in the areas not known to us at all.

所以住无城墙乡村的犹大人,如今都以亚达月十四日为设筵欢乐的吉日,彼此餽送礼物。So the Jews of the country places living in unwalled towns make the fourteenth day of the month Adar a day of feasting and joy and a good day, a day for sending offerings one to another.

所以住无城墙乡村的犹大人,如今都以亚达月十四日为设筵欢乐的吉日,彼此馈送礼物。Therefore the Jews of the villages, that dwelt in the unwalled towns, made the fourteenth day of the month Adar a day of gladness and feasting, and a good day, and of sending portions one to another.