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这可能会稀释好消息。That may not be undiluted good news.

洗涤剂不能被使用未稀释。Detergents must not be used undiluted.

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这是浓缩液,请稀释□倍后使用。This is an undiluted solution. Please dilute □ times before you use it.

这个词的意思是不加冰块稀释并且要在室温下饮用。The term neat means to serve a product undiluted and usually at room temperature.

汇源纯橙汁饮料的部分产品价格更高而且市场所占分额也相对要小。The segment Huiyuan dominates — undiluted OJ — is for pricier products and is relatively small.

他的飞球调控器是一种实打实的信息控制,是最初出现的非生物的控制回路其中之一。His flyball governor is undiluted informational control, one of the first non-biological circuits.

饱和学位在哪个颜色颜色因为白色要形成的它的称扬的颜色是没有冲淡的。Saturation is the degree to which the hue of the color is undiluted by its complimentary color to form white.

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你可以先用没有稀释过的白醋洗掉皮肤上的干泥和灰尘,然后用温肥皂水洗净。Use undiluted white vinegar to wash dried concrete or mortar off your skin, then wash with warm, soapy water.

以上结果表明杆状病毒在体外细胞连续传代过程中可导致外源基因本身的突变。These results show that serial and undiluted passaging of engineering baculovirus can result in foreign gene mutation.

俱乐部周围享有百年历史的古森林,建筑形式模仿起伏的山川。The club offers an undiluted enjoyment of a hundred-year old virgin forest and the mesmerizing tranquility of undulating mountain ridges.

如果说罗本的入球需要波尔图门将Helton很大的帮助,那么无可否认地迈克尔.巴拉克的致胜入球是纯粹高质量的表现。If Robben's goal needed a big helping hand from Porto keeper Helton, there was no denying the undiluted quality of Michael Ballack's winner.

在刚粉刷过的房间里放置几个盛满白醋的碟子,这样强烈的异味就会很快消失了。Place a couple of shallow dishes filled with undiluted white vinegar around a freshly painted room to quickly get rid of the strong paint smell.

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在软不上倒上纯度醋,用来擦拭水龙头,毛巾架,浴室镜,门把手,等等。Pour a bit of undiluted white vinegar onto a soft cloth and use it to wipe your chrome faucets, towel racks, bathroom mirrors, doorknobs, and such.

我是否认为这种物质的充裕以及所有花钱可以买到的东西都纯属好事,而在大家急于获取的过程中没有一丝一毫的损失呢?Do I think that this affluence and everything that it buys are undiluted blessings – that there has been no loss in this gallop into acquisitiveness?

当你的木质切削面需要去臭和杀菌处理时,在表面撒些发酵粉,然后用未稀释的白醋喷洒。When your wooden cutting surface needs deodorizing as well as disinfecting, spread some baking soda over it and then spray on undiluted white vinegar.

剪修指甲之前,浸泡指甲在一个放了纯度白醋的碗里五分钟,然后可以软化指甲或者脚趾上的外皮角质。You can soften the cuticles on your fingers and toes before manicuring them by soaking your digits in a bowl of undiluted white vinegar for five minutes.

精油,如薰衣草精油,可以加到洗澡水中,也可以与其他高品质的植物油,如葡萄籽油,杏仁油,荷荷芭油一起混合使用。Essential oils such as lavender can be added to bath water, undiluted or combined with a high-quality vegetable oil, such as grape seed, almond, or jojoba.

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一个被思考过很多次的思想,在一种非常清晰、不掺杂的模式下,当从没有抗拒的非物质视角思考时,会变成物质实体。A thought that is thought upon by many, in a very clear undiluted fashion, as from Nonphysical Perspective where there is no resistance, becomes physical matter.

每天将脚浸泡在纯苹果醋三四次,连续重复几天,就可以很快的去除感染,缓解疼痛。But you can often quell the infection, and quickly ease the itching, by rinsing your feet three or four times a day for a few days with undiluted apple cider vinegar.

为了消除这股难闻的问题并对砧板消毒,你可以用半个柠檬的切面对砧板进行擦拭或者用从瓶子里直接拿去来的未稀释果汁清洗。To get rid of the smell and help sanitize the cutting board, rub it all over with the cut side of half a lemon or wash it in undiluted juice straight from the bottle.