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关于婚姻的事,他从来就没有说过一个字。On matrimony he had never once said a word.

她从来没有体验过穷酸婚姻的痛苦。She had never experienced the pangs of ragged matrimony.

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我一直不知道我同时有两个女儿都有结婚的希望。I did not know before, that I had two daughters on the brink of matrimony.

牛和羊定于七月一号步入神圣的婚姻殿堂。Andy Lau and Yang Lijuan are set to walk into the hall of holy matrimony on July 1.

婚育权是高校学生依法应当享有的一项基本权利。Matrimony and procreation right is a basic right of Higher schools students by the law.

离30岁生日还有一年左右,威廉王子即将开始他的婚姻生活。Prince William hovers on the brink of matrimony — a year or so before his 30th birthday.

君代不在,听说她一位顾客的女儿结婚,去吃喜酒了。Gentleman generation not at, hear that daughter's matrimony of her a customer a wedding feasted.

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论文的第一部分回顾了宗教改革前基督教婚姻观的发展。The first part looks back the development of opinion of Christians in matrimony before Refonnation.

我不劝说爱玛现在就考虑婚事,不过你放心好了,我并不反对她结婚。I do not recommend matrimony at present to Emma, though I mean no slight to the state, I assure you.

有可能消除东方与欧洲在婚姻观上的差别吗?Is it possible to level out the difference between Oriental and European ideas as regards matrimony?

北朝时期,鲜卑妇女的爱情和婚姻观念比较放达。The concept of matrimony of Xianbei's women was very open during the period of the Northern Dynasties.

对女人而言,婚姻不再是获得经济保障和成为父母亲的必经之路。Women no longer view matrimony as a necessary station on the road to financial security or parenthood.

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在过了超过39年的快乐时光之后,胡迪尼夫妇从来都不曾试图从婚姻关系中逃脱。Extremely happy for more than 39 years, the Houdinis never attempted escape from the bonds of matrimony.

看到周家的婚礼,两个邻居找到新媳妇小蔡,要她为他们的儿子当红娘。Matrimony was catching. Two neighbors sought Ms. Cai out, and asked her to act as matchmaker for their sons.

曾与闺中密友谈起我的婚姻生活,她笑我们夫妻都是性冷淡。Ever mentioned my matrimony with the cater-cousin in boudoir, she laughs at our husband and wife is frigidity.

“也许,”埃丽诺说道,“三十五岁和十七岁最好不要结成姻缘。"Perhaps, " said Elinor, "thirty-five and seventeen had better not have any thing to do with matrimony together.

最后,亲吻被纳入了婚礼中,现在以唇相触将会带给新婚夫妇甜迷的婚姻生活。Eventually, the kiss was incorporated into marriage ceremonies, and today lip locks couples into sweet matrimony.

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枸杞沙棘复合饮料制剂对小鼠具有明显的抗疲劳作用。The compound beverage preparation of Matrimony vine and sea-buckthorn has a notable fatigue resistance action on the mouse.

船长被抓了起来。巴奇钦就这样一身绿色的海草走近穿着一身白色衣裙的新娘,和她举行了婚礼。Green though he was with seaweed, Samphire took his place beside the bride clad in white and was joined to her in matrimony.

澳大利亚婚姻平等的调查,发现同选民之间的联合性,甚至婚姻的大力支持。The poll conducted for Australian Marriage Equality found strong support for same-sex matrimony among even coalition voters.