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阳光明媚的里昂在她的迷你裙!猫叫!Sunny Leone in her mini skirt! Miaow!

我到塞拉利昂来有两个理由。I came to Sierra Leone for two reasons.

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塞拉利昂是一个男男女女都诚实的国家。Sierra Leone is a land of honest men and women.

喀麦隆队击败塞拉利昂队之后也成功晋级。Cameroon have also qualified after beating Sierra Leone.

那时布莱尔正在阐述他在塞拉利昂的工作。At that moment Blair had been expounding on his work in Sierra Leone.

塞拉里昂的内战结束了,人民生活在和平中。The civil war's over now and the people of Sierra Leone are living in peace.

这个组织已经开始与柬埔寨、塞拉利昂和叙利亚合作。The group has already started to work with Cambodia, Sierra Leone and Syria.

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葡萄牙探险家已经绘制出了远至塞拉里昂的非洲西海岸地图。Portuguese explorers had charted the west coast of Africa as far as Sierra Leone.

想着你啊真是美,塞过新疆的烤羊腿。Ah you really think the United States, Sierra Leone had Xinjiang roast leg of lamb.

皮斯女士在塞拉利昂东部的圣·约瑟高中教理科。Ms. Peace teaches science at Saint Joseph's, a high school in eastern Sierra Leone.

木棉是塞拉利昂市中心弗里敦历史的标志。The Cotton Tree is a historic symbol of Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone.

和平队志愿者1994年由于内战离开了塞拉利昂。Peace Corps volunteers left Sierra Leone in nineteen ninety-four because of civil war.

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去年秋天,拉札洛斯.卡帕姆鲍威大使企图联络一名来自狮子山国的外交官。In the fall, Ambassador Lazarous Kapambwe was trying to reach a diplomat from Sierra Leone.

我是个20岁的男孩,也就是当我20岁的时候我父亲死于塞拉利昂共和国的MENDE金矿中,他参加的是合法金矿爆破工作。I was 20 Years old boy when my father died in a gold mine in MENDE, Republic of Serria Leone.

据塞拉利昂和平队副主任乔·沃勒克介绍,和平队在塞拉利昂的历史很长。Joel Wallach, co-director for Peace Corps here, says they have a long history in Sierra Leone.

力宏说他希望透过此次狮子山之行对当地的小朋友产生类似于寮国之行那样的影响。Hence, Wang said he hopes to create a similar effect with kids during his trip to Sierra Leone.

对欧贝社区这是相当大的投资,我数钱数到手酸。This is a significant investment into the community of John Obey – and a lot of leone counting.

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他们散布到与几内亚和塞拉利昂接壤的洛法县和巴波卢县地区。They have spread into areas of Lofa County and Gbarpolu County, bordering Guinea and Sierra Leone.

塞拉利昂的婴儿死亡率居世界之首,生活水平在世界基本算是最差了。Sierra Leone has one of the highest infant mortality rates and lowest life expectancy in the world.

英国退休外科医生打算开演唱会,为狮子山共合国重建学校募款。Retired surgeon in England plans concert to raise funds for the rebuilding of schools in Sierra Leone.