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这云的学名是积雨云。That's what is technically cumulonimbus.

龙卷风产生于强烈不稳定的积雨云中。Tornadoes have a strong instability in the cumulonimbus of.

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日落场景显示了典型的积雨云的形成。The sunset scene shows a classic cumulonimbus cloud formation.

积雨云上升到空中,通常会带来暴风雨。A cumulonimbus cloud rises high into the sky and usually produces storms.

雷是积雨云进发出来的巨大的热能形成的。Thunder is the result of great heat Bursting forth from the cumulonimBus.

积雨云云消逝飞快,它的存在几乎不会超过半小时。The decay of a single cell cumulonimbus cloud is rapid and seldom exists for more than half an hour.

这些辛普森称之为“热塔”的积雨云,对于热带海洋上暖湿的上升空气起着烟囱一样的作用。These cumulonimbus clouds, which Simpson called “hot towers,” act like chimneys for the warm, moist air rising from the tropical oceans.

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作者认为后三个过程是形成积云电结构的主要物理因子。We think that the inductive and non-inductive charging processes are primary physical processes for electric structure of the cumulonimbus.

刚起飞时,他们就遭遇了中度至重度的气流,不断堆积的积雨云和一场酝酿中的雷暴,而Frank直接飞了进去。As they encountered moderate to severe turbulence, towering cumulonimbus clouds and a developing thunderstorm just offshore, Frank flew directly into it.

利用一维积雨云双参数模式模拟福建省的暖底积云自然降水过程和催化过程。The natural precipitation and cloud seeding of cumulonimbus clouds with warm cloud base in Fujian are simulated by using a dual-parameter cumulonimbus cloud model.

大多数的闪电产生在如图所示的积雨云中,但闪电也可以由宽阔层状的成层云释放出来。Most lightning occurs within cumulonimbus clouds like these, but it can also be released from wide, layered formations called stratiform clouds. Photograph by William R.

云彩的图片画廊。亮点的亚利桑那州图森市,配合的闪电,远远超出城市天际线。夕阳现场显示,一个典型的积雨云云层的形成。The bright lights of Tucson, Arizona, are more than matched by a flash of lightning far above the city skyline. The sunset scene shows a classic cumulonimbus cloud formation.

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本文用一维时变积雨云模式对一块积雨云进行了播撒人工冰晶或水滴的多种数值试验,得到了增加降水或减轻冰雹灾害等效果。A series of numerical experiments have been done to test the seeding effect of artificial icecristals or raindrop embryos using a one-dimentional time dependent cumulonimbus cloud model.

继续以大象作为单位,赫穆斯菲尔德估计一片标准的雷雨云——一片积雨云——在任何特定时间内,都相当于与1,500万头大象相同重量的水漂浮在天空中。Sticking with the elephant unit, Heymsfield estimated that a typical thunderstorm cloud -- a cumulonimbus -- has 15 million elephants worth of water floating in the air at any given time.