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我从这家商场里买了个小戒指。I got a circlet from the mall.

希望和爱都存在它的光环上。Hope and love in the circlet glow!

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他送我这枚戒指作为生日礼物。He gave me the circlet as a gift of my birthday.

相反的,让这个圆帮助我们指出天王星的位置。The Circlet , in turn, helps to point you in the direction of Uranus.

它的不远处,就是带有优雅头箍的双鱼座星群。It isn't far from the graceful Circlet asterism in the constellation Pisces.

我受到的惩罚便是头痛,我那了不得的头痛—头的四周一圈都发疼!I pay the penalty in my headaches, my famous headaches-a perfect circlet of pain!

我们不应耗费分文去买金环来证明我们已婚的身份。Not one penny should be spent for a circlet of gold to testify that we are married.

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在去威斯敏斯特大教堂的路上,她戴的是维多利亚女王的钻石环形王冠。On the way to Westminster Abbey , she wore Queen Victoria's diamond circlet diadem.

在一个没有月光、漆黑的十一月晚上,让巨大的天马座指引我们找到双鱼座形成的圆。On a dark, moonless November night, let the Great Square of Pegasus guide you to the Circlet of Pisces.

他曾是一位国君,他的额上金环闪光,他的头发在风中飘扬。The golden circlet gleamed on his brow, his hair fluttered in the wind, and he was clad in steel and iron.

花冠,花圈,花环用鲜花、树枝或树叶缠绕而成的环或圈,戴于头上、放于纪念碑前或挂起来作装饰物。A ring or circlet of flowers, boughs, or leaves worn on the head, placed on a memorial, or hung as a decoration.

从基本原理上讨论了一种新型的实验力学研究方法面外云纹与牛顿环的联系与区别。The difference and similarity between shadow moire fringe and Newtonian circlet are discussed from basic principles.