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在这里我们选择活动状态。We choose active state.

“爱德华还在服现役吗?”“Edward on active service?

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门户是如何活动的?How active is the portal?

这片地区生机勃勃。It's a pretty active area.

人人网的用户非常活跃。RenRen's users are active.

建立新的活动租用。A. Create new active leases.

猫是行动敏捷的动物。The cat is an active animal.

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我是个个性活泼开朗,大大咧咧的女孩。I am a active and frank girl.

维苏威山是一座活火山。Vesuvius is an active volcano.

关键是要积极活动。It's a matter of getting active

这就叫做主动免疫。This is called active immunity.

封育治理必然是人为参与下的积极行动。It is an active action of human.

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拉不拉多是很好动的品种。The Labrador is an active breed.

使用正面的语气,现在时态。Use active voice, present tense.

布恩于心,服务于行!Booen in mind, Service in active.

汤姆正在国外服现役。Tom is now on active duty abroad.

他是共济会中非常活跃的分子。He was very active in Freemasonry.

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还可以用潜伏或活动区分。Also segmented by latent or active.

外部组件无有源元件。No active elements in outside unit.

跳过处于活动状态的活动Skip an activity in an active state