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我刚发了笔意外之财。I just got a windfall.

我们以为那是一场意外之财。We thought they were a windfall.

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投资者希望能发一笔横财。Investors are hoping for a windfall.

我从足球比赛赌博中发了一笔横财。I had a windfall from the football pools.

他们都将每个50美分中饱私囊,当作意外之财。They all pocket each 50 cents as windfall.

那你打算拿这意外之财来干什么?So, what are you going to do with your windfall?

约翰意外获得一笔财富,使他夫人大吃一惊。John has a windfall. It surprises his wife greatly.

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现时暴利税起征点为每桶40美元。Now the windfall tax threshold is 40 US dollars each barrel.

我的大叔叔留给我们的钱无疑是天上掉下来的馅饼。The money that my great-uncle left us was certainly a windfall.

非洲的种子对孟山都公司的投资是一笔潜在的横财。Africa's seeds are a potential windfall investment for Monsanto.

政府从出售我们的认股证书中发了一大笔意外之财。And the government enjoyed a windfall from selling our warrants.

李先生期待玩股票能的到一笔意外的利润。Mr. Lee expects a windfall profit from playing the stock market.

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不会,不过那肯定会让中国的足病医生发一笔横财。No, but it sure would create a windfall for Chinese podiatrists.

一大棵兰伯氏松被风刮倒了,大约齐胸高,就拦在路上。A big sugar pine had gone down in a windfall and lay about breast high.

政府正在通过卖土地来发横财。The government is making windfall profits from everyone by selling land.

在这种状况下的人会将碰巧得来的绝大部分或全部意外之财花光。People in that situation will spend much or all of any temporary windfall.

然而,一旦矿藏得到开采,政府将财源滚滚,获得相当丰厚的回报。Yet when it does, the government will reap a considerable revenue windfall.

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也许你听说过“暴利税”,但是听说过“亏本税”吗?You may have heard of windfall tax. But how about taxing the wind that rises?

去年初赞比亚在外界的强烈反对下放弃徵收暴利税提案.Zambia scrapped its proposed windfall tax early last year after heavy opposition.

与此同时,对大麻征税蕴含着一个巨大的敛财的潜力。At the same time, there is an enormous potential windfall in the taxation of marijuana.