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在别墅待了一周。One week. Retreat.

他吹响了撤退的号声。He sounded the retreat.

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这是一个很难得的隐避地。It is very nice retreat.

军号吹响退兵号。The bugle tooted retreat.

鬼鲛准备撤退。Kisame is about to retreat.

他住在一个僻静的地方。He lives in a quiet retreat.

军队已全线溃退。The army was in full retreat.

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像修道院式的避世主义。Looks like a monastery retreat.

不过他并不后退。Nevertheless, he did not retreat.

跑去烈日石居住地,坐标是在46.59。Run to Sun Rock Retreat at 46.59.

我接,你先手还是我先手?Retreat ? Hell ! We just got here!

年度成员会议和务虚会。Annual members meeting and retreat.

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,我去年在度假时读了这本书。I read this on a retreat last year.

我们将绝不会投降,也不会撤退。I shall never surrender or retreat.

临渊慕鱼,不如退而结网。Pro Yuan Mu fish Than retreat webs.

敌军全线撤退。The enemy is in full-scale retreat.

同意撤退信号并报告。Agree eon retreat signal and report.

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只许前进,不许后退。No retreat is allowed, only advance.

部队正在向西后退。The army was in retreat to the west.

我们偷偷潜回了修行中心。And so we slunk into the retreat center.