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一堆奥修种子。A pile of Ashur seeds.

同样对于阿舒尔。The same holds for Ashur.

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帝国倒塌了,阿舒尔和北部地区现在开放给攻击者。The empire collapsed and Ashur and the North were now open to attack.

亚述的城邦已经扩展到安纳托利亚高原。The city-state of Ashur had extensive contact with cities on the Anatolian plateau.

这些人通常都是既肥又矮,鼻子钩得像亚述巨大雕像的鼻子一样。These people usually appeared fat and short. Their noses looked like those of the huge statues in Ashur.

在公元前十九世纪末,一位野心勃勃的士兵,名为沙姆希-阿达德,他使亚述在他的控制之下。At the end of the nineteenth century BCE an ambitious solder called Shamshi- Adad brought Ashur under his control.

公元前614年,一队米提亚军队在西拉克拉里斯的带领下,入侵了亚述领土,攻击尼尼微和摧毁了亚述的古城。In 614 BCE a Median army under Cyaxares invaded the Assyrian homeland, attacked Nineveh and destroyed the ancient city of Ashur.

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同时,亚拉姆的部落从西部移进美索不达米亚,把亚述的边界逼回首都阿舒尔。Tribes of Arameans were, meanwhile, moving into Mesopotamia from the west, pushing the boundaries of Assyria back to the capital Ashur.

拿两把奴兹树叶,一把奥修种子,两把卡塞特树皮,两把马萨刺和一把特热斯根。Take two handfuls of Nuzi leaves, one handful of Ashur seeds, two handfuls of Kassite bark, two handfuls of Masa thorns and a handful of Teresh root.

阿舒尔沙米斯是利比亚位于伦敦的异教徒,他说道,大部分他的同胞在战争之初他出现在新闻之前都没听说过这人。Ashur Shamis, a London-based Libyan dissident, says most of his compatriots had not even heard of Ibrahim until he began appearing on news bulletins at the start of the conflict.