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倘若那不信的人要离去、就由他离去罢。But if the unbeliever leaves , let him do so.

非信徒可以实行正确有效的施洗吗?D. Can an unbeliever perform a valid baptism?

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信主的和不信的有甚麽相干呢?What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever ?

一个非信徒怎能宣讲福音并很好应用呢?How will an unbeliever proclaim the gospel and make good applications?

这就像一个自称不相信有鬼的人叫鬼故事吓得心惊胆战一样。It was as if a professed unbeliever in ghosts should be frightened by a ghost story.

与不信主的人不可能有深切的,丰富的,永恒的,神赐福的关系。A deep, rich, eternal, God glorifying relationship with an unbeliever is not possible.

一个不信者接受另一个人声称的外在形式是没有意义的。It is in vain for an unbeliever to take up the outward show of another man's profession.

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我们应给非信徒一个没有偏见的论证,是中立的、没有宗教预设的。We should present to the unbeliever an unbiased , "neutral" argument, one that makes no religious assumptions.

死人都要复活。信者得永生,不信者复活受审判。The resurrection of the dead, the believer to life everlasting and the unbeliever to the resurrection of judgment.

人若不看顾亲属,不看顾自己家里的人,就是背了真道,比不信的人还不好Whoever does not provide for relatives, and especially for family members, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

究竟这种威胁使神仙采取行动了没有,这是像我这样一个可怜的不信神的西方人所不敢回答的问题。Whether this threat caused the god to take action is a question that a poor Western unbeliever such as myself would not dare answer.

那天晚上,否认神的学者去了寺庙,拜倒在祭坛前,恳求神宽恕他以前的任性。That evening the unbeliever went to the temple and prostrated himself before the altar and prayed the gods to forgive his wayward past.

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为什么使徒保罗说如果基督徒没有给需要帮助的亲属提供经济援助的话,他比不信的人还不好?Why does the apostle Paul say that a Christian is worse than an unbeliever if he does not provide financial assistance to a relative that may be in need?

对于没有信仰的人来说,死亡是可怕的祸害。他们只有今生。所以没有信仰的人肉体生命结束之后,最糟糕的事情就来到了。N. Death for the unbeliever is a terrible evil. All that the unbeliever has is this life. For unbelievers, the worst things come after their earthly lives.

我怀疑此非末世性的安息日的看法,是信仰告白的作者们认为安息日也适用于非信徒的一部分原因。I suspect that this non-eschatological view of the Sabbath is part of the reason why the authors of the Confession thought that the Sabbath was applicable to the unbeliever.

一个真实世界的麻疯病人,汤玛斯·寇文能被传送到一个由污浊的、邪恶的力量包围的幻想世界。The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever. Stephen R. Donaldson. A real-world leper, Thomas Covenant gets transported to a fantasy world besieged by a corrupt and malevolent force.