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一人一个苹果,说话就亲切多了。One person's an apple, talk benignity many.

脸上的笑容愈发的亲切。The smiling face on the face delivers more of benignity.

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我相信温总理的仁慈,但仅有仁慈是不够的。I believe in Premier Wen's benignity, but only benignity is not enough.

每个人对贾森先生的善行和慈爱表达了他们的祝福。Everyone expressed their benedictions to Mr. Jason's benevolence and benignity.

因为只有这种环境,学生才有安全感、亲切感。Because only this kind of environment, the student just have a safety, benignity.

他是多么幽默地仁慈地瞧着我,我简直没办法抑制心头的满足。He looked upon me with so much humor and benignity that I could scarcely contain my satisfaction.

但没有一本书记录了新英格兰的冬夜,尽管它是上天仁慈的恩惠。We now of no scripture which records the pure benignity of the gods on a New England winter night.

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在新英格兰的寒夜里,上天慷慨地把这一份恩惠施与人类,可奇怪的是居然没有一本书来记录。We know of no scripture which records the pure benignity of the gods on a New England winter night.

吉星在其落入的星座内没有尊贵势力,他们的吉性将以另一种方面表达。Fortunate planets being in signs wherein they have no dignity, their benignity is translated another way.

在对亲情的体验和生命的关怀中,学生和家长也对自己的行为进行了反思。Students and their parents have done the reflection through the experience of benignity and care of life.

鄂西向坝民歌历史久远,内容丰富,音色优美,亲切自然,具有浓郁的乡土气息。Its contents is abundant, tone color is beautiful, and its character is in benignity nature, heavy local flavour.

无极亲切的走上讲台,搀扶着张老师走到自己的座位坐下。Platform in the walk of limitless benignity , the Chan hand a teacher Zhang to walk to oneself of the seat sit down.

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公司遵循“居仁由义”的管理思想和“稳健、规范、发展”的经营理念。The company follows the thoughts of management " occupies the mercy by benignity " and " steady, standard, development ".

它们能够使语言更生动、有趣、幽默、亲切,所以我们应该予以足够的注意。They can make the language live a new life to move, interesting, humor, benignity , so we should give an enough attention.

第五部分,高等农业教育与农村文化生态建设良性互动的实践途径。The fifth part, higher agricultural education and countryside culture ecological building benignity interaction practice way.

木材是一种天然资源,具有可自然降解、可再生和环境协调性好等特性。Wood is a kind of natural material, which has characters of natural degradation, regeneration and good environmental benignity.

因为他放P过多的缘故,我给他起了个小名,就叫屁屁。很亲切很好听吧。Because he put the P excessive cause, I have a childhood name for him, call fart fart. Very the benignity is very good to listen.

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而购买正版专辑,就是支持原创并且让乐坛良性发展的根基之一。But purchases the legal copy special edition, supports the original, and lets one of musical world benignity development foundations.

任何人若没有圣洁的生活,正直的行为,仁慈与顺服的精神,那么僭取基督徒的名义是徒劳的。It is in vain for any man to usurp the name of Christian, without holiness of life, purity of manners, benignity and meekness of spirit.

然而,正义的社会保障制度,仍需仁慈为其运行提供价值引导和人文环境。However, the social insurance system of justice still needs benignity to provide value guidance and humanistic environment for its operation.