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弗洛伊德把相思病唤作“正常人的精神病。”Freud called lovesickness “the psychosis of normal people.”3

弗洛伊德把相思病唤作“正常人的精神病。”Freud called lovesickness “the psychosis of normal people.”3

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他晚年可能患有某种神经症或精神病。He may have some kind of neurosis or psychosis later in life.

可有神游症、夜游症等自动症表现。May have fugue disorder, psychosis automatism night performance.

这些症状都是躁狂症、抑郁症等精神病或典型。The symptoms are those of mania, depressive psychosis or atypical psychosis.

而一些女同志在治疗后,因药物中毒而得了精神病。Some female comrades suffered psychosis from drug toxicity after being treated.

ω-3脂肪酸是安全的,如果它能预防精神病,那真是太好了。Omega-3s are safe, and it would be terrific if they could really prevent psychosis.

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这种类型的药物中,没有一种被批准用于治疗痴呆相关的精神病性障碍的病人。No drug in this class is approved to treat patients with dementia-related psychosis.

现今压力都市,情绪病并不会是一件罕有的事情。Nowadays, depression and psychosis disorder seems so common in such a stressful city.

但是为了生存,我还得对付伴随着抑郁症一起到来的精神病。But to survive this, I also have to deal with the psychosis I get with the depression.

她便这样又丧失了一次得到治疗的机会,在随后的数月里她的变态心理益发深重。Another chance to treat her was lost, and over the following months the psychosis deepened.

结论健康教育对精神患者的康复有一定的促进作用。Conclusions Healthy teaching have promotion in a certain degreet psychosis patient's recovery.

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目的探讨分裂样精神病诊断及转归的影响因素。Objective To investigate the diagnosis of schizophreniform psychosis and its influences factors.

推广各种求助渠道,令患者能及早得到诊断。Promote channels for timely help-seeking and early diagnosis of psychosis and related disorders.

这个特别的研究发现,服用大麻跟精神病的过早引发有关。This particular study found that marijuana use is associated with early development of psychosis.

我在23岁时被确诊患上精神病,但我早在17岁时就出现了心理健康问题。This psychosis crept up on me when I was 23, but I had had mental health problems since I was 17.

对230例住院精神病病人藏药行为及相关因素进行分析。The behaviour of hiding drugs and related factors in 230 in-patients with psychosis were analysed.

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最引起争议的提议是一些精神症和痴呆症的新“风险症状”。The most controversial suggestion is for new "risk syndromes" for types of psychosis and dementia.

经电气痉挛治疗后精神症状改善,大量饮水行为减少。After 12 treatments of electroconvulsive therapy, the symptoms of psychosis and polydipsia declined.

我们在此报道了一例伴有壳核梗塞的类精神分裂症样精神病患者。We report on an interesting case of schizophrenia-like psychosis in a patient with a putamen infarct.