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现在听这段对话,这次是常速。Now let's listen to the newscast again at a normal speed.

背景上的电视机正在播放哥伦比亚广播电台的新闻。The television is on in the background, with a CNN newscast broadcasting.

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例如,美国公共广播公司的全球聚焦电视新闻节目就是整合自BlogTalkRadio。For example, PBS’s Worldfocus TV newscast is syndicated on the BlogTalkRadio.

广播电视的主播通常要在每天的新闻节目中多次出现。Radio and television anchors usually appear on more than one newscast per day.

他们看着一条电视新闻报道,其中宣称总统候选人仍然活着。They watch as a television newscast reports that the candidate is still alive.

克朗凯特说他从来没有主持过让他完全满意的一档新闻广播。Cronkite said he never anchored a single newscast that left him fully satisfied.

今天,我们的观众少了,但都是铁杆,而且希望看到严肃的新闻报道。Our audience today is smaller, but it is fiercely loyal and expects a serious newscast.

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图像相对静止的新闻节目可以使用低得多的码率。On the other hand, a newscast showing a newscaster's head can use a much lower bit rate.

似乎没有人摘下有色眼镜真正去听这位女主播在播些什么。What nobody seemed to have done was listen to the woman's newscast without raising an eyebrow.

制作人必须考虑新闻节目的整体效应,而非仅注意每一个单条新闻。The producer has to consider the impact of the newscast as a whole, not just each individual story.

他在晚间新闻里说的话还不够纽约时报头版的篇幅。All the words uttered in his evening newscast would not fill even the front page of the New York Times.

此外,制作人决定新闻播放的顺序,为每条新闻分配时间。Producers also decide the order of stories in the newscast and the amount of time to be allocated to each story.

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报纸必须准时付印,广播电视必须按时播出,而编辑不能放任错误。The newspaper must be printed on time, the newscast must go on the air, and mistakes cannot be allowed to go through.

但直至达到总有些严峻的轮数,故事消退,从头版和上方的晚间新闻。But until the total reaches some grim round number, the stories recede from the front page and the top of the evening newscast.

制作人负责把握每条报道的确切时间长度,因为新闻节目要有精确的起始和结束时间。The producer’s job is to know exactly how long each story will last because the newscast must begin and end at a specific time.

但是,世界上每天发生的大多数事情并不见报,也不上广播电视。But most of the things that happen in the world every day don’t find their way into the newspaper or onto the air in a newscast.

新闻主播科特斯跟博主罗伯特·费德勒说自己决定讲出真相,因为Loughner的故事对他来说太熟悉了。After the newscast Kurtis told the blogger Robert Federer that he decided to speak out because Loughner’s story seemed so familiar.

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几分钟之内和前展示已经结束,有人看到了图片的新闻,并呼吁在一个名称和地址的一个潜在嫌疑人。Within minutes and before the show had ended, someone saw the picture on the newscast and called in a name and address of a potential suspect.

新闻刚报道着喀布尔的暴动,然后又跳转到另一个记者在一家酒店楼顶向下望着弥漫火灾的巴格达。The newscast showed rioting in the streets of Kabul, then a jump to another reporter atop a hotel roof looking down at a Baghdad filled with fires.

了解如何创建此免费电视事业视频剪辑新闻的意见与专家经验丰富的电视新闻节目播出记者从咬音。Learn how to create a sound bite for a TV newscast with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.