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罐头食品则是浪费最少的。Tinned food is the least wasted.

罐头牛奶可长期保鲜存放。The tinned milk could store well.

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罐头水果和果汁算不算?Do tinned fruit and fruit juice count?

“我有一些罐装金枪鱼,”仁说。"I have some tinned tuna, " Hitoshi said.

恰恰相反,等待他们的将是无边无际的寂静、不太新鲜的空气和日复一日的罐头食品。Instead, silent inertia, stale air and tinned food.

我们为旅行买进大量罐头食品。We bought in large stocks of tinned goods for the tour.

装听之前,这些草莓得去掉果梗。The strawberries should be stemmed before they are tinned.

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这种品牌的罐装青豆不含人造色素。This brand of tinned beans contains no artificial colouring.

人们预计食品将定量供应所以买进大量罐头食品。People bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of food rationing.

爱漠搞来了一盆子通心面,拌着洋葱和切碎的罐头肉。Aymo had a basin of spaghetti with onions and tinned meat chopped up in it.

某些焊锡膏对于镀锡表面具有良好的效果,但对裸铜OSP的焊接效果则很差。Some pastes do well with tinned surfaces but solder poorly bare copper OSP.

余存的罐装牛奶已仔细地分配给孩子们了。The remaining store of tinned milk was carefully rationed out among the children.

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用电烙铁和焊锡可以很容易的给李兹线上锡。The litz that I have can be easily tinned by using a hot soldering iron and solder.

以及子公司生产的尼龙波纹管和各种规格的度锡铜丝产品。Some subsidiaries produce corrugated nylon tubes and tinned copper wires of every size.

第二天他们的早餐是发霉的玉米片,冷的罐头马铃薯夹吐司。They ate stale cornflakes and cold tinned tomatoes on toast for breakfast the next day.

我们发现在持久战中,食物是比机关枪更有效的武器。We may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine-gun.

这些线是按客户的要求制作而成的镀锡或不镀锡铜线。These are manufactured according to the customer's requirement in tinned or untinned wire.

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对肉、鱼和水果可以进行干燥、装罐或冷冻,然后储存起来以备后用。Meat, fish, fruit and vegetables can be dried, tinned or frozen, then stored for later use.

压敏电阻组成两个镀锡实心铜导线低陶瓷材料的光盘。The varistors consist of a disc of low-ceramic material with two tinned solid copper leads.

钓鱼台黄玉笔筒取天然玉石制作,采用镀金锡镶工艺,纯手工镂雕镶嵌而成。Diaoyutai Topaz Brush-pot is made of natural jade and gilded tinned carved and inlayed by hand.