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他大胆地预言。He boldly prophesied.

他大胆回应她的凝视。He met her gaze boldly.

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大声一点。Someone speak up more boldly.

他大胆地在黑暗的森林里行走。He walked boldly in the dark forest.

墨西哥秃子大模大样地走了出去。The airless Mexican walked boldly out.

“我追求的是大洋钱。”他恬不知耻地说。"I was after the bucks, " he said boldly.

她大胆地批评陋习。She boldly criticised the out-dated customs.

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望你在前进的道路上永往直前!Hope you to go ahead boldly on the advanced road!

特战官员的言论则更为大胆。The special-operations officer spoke more boldly.

但我也不要再胡乱猜测了,我要大胆地进去看看。But I'll make no more ado, I'll go boldly and look.

大胆地区去生活,去笑,去爱,这都是我们的自由。We have the freedom to boldly live, laugh, and love.

“他们不会打破这个记录,”Loughery大胆的说。“They won’t break the record, ” Loughery said boldly.

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“我听说她打算离婚,”詹尼冒失地说。"I hear she means to get a divorce, " said Janey boldly.

戏院的屋顶在天空衬托下显得轮廓分明。The roof of the theatre was boldly defined against the sky.

伊莱贾曾大胆地向君王和统治者述说神的话。Elijah had spoken the Word of God boldly to kings and rulers.

人人都赞美他这种见义勇为的精神。Everyone admires his spirit of doing boldly what is righteous.

飞行员带著降落伞勇敢地跳下飞机。The airman boldly jumped from the airplane with his parachute.

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他们有突出的眼睛,勇敢,翅膀和有叶的下面尖刻了。They have prominent eyes, boldly cut wings and lobed undersides.

如果考虑税的话,就没什么金融学问题是有律可循的了There's nothing you can say boldly in finance if you allow taxes.

他大胆地吸收了前人的成果,择其善者而从之。He boldly absorb the previous results, choosing the good from the.