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那是一家理发店。That’s a barbershop?

我到理发店去。I go to the barbershop.

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杰姬送了一间理发店给妈妈和西奥尼。Jackie sent a barbershop to mom and west a one.

我特地到理发店修整了发型。I went to barbershop and got a haircut specially.

比尼在那一带开了一家只有一张椅子的理发店。Ex. 1 Beeny had a one-chair barbershop in the neighborhood.

前些曰子,有一男的来到我的理发店,问剪一个头要多少钱。Recently, a man walked into my barbershop asking how much for a haircut.

而我则一边抚摸着自己的下巴一边走进了一间理发店,显得我需要刮一下脸。I walked into a barbershop and stroked my chin , to show I needed to shave.

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但传统的理发店在黑人文化中仍占据特殊地位。But the traditional barbershop still holds a special place in black culture.

你还是明天再去吧,今天理发店里肯定排长队。You have to go there tomorrow. Today there must be long line at the barbershop.

浙江台州市某理发店内,这位小男孩马上就要有一个潮人发型了。A boy gets a haircut at a barbershop on March 6 2011 in Taizhou Zhejiang province.

2011年3月6日,浙江台州,一个小男孩在理发店里理发。A boy gets a haircut at a barbershop on March 6, 2011, in Taizhou, Zhejiang province.

由于男性的虚荣心,当地的理发馆一直以来生意兴隆。BEFORE the advent of male vanity, the local barbershop used to be a regaling hotspot.

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在男士们的还没有虚荣心以前,当地的理发店曾是一个令人愉快的热闹地儿。Before the advent of male vanity, the local barbershop used to be a regaling hotspot.

在男士们的还么有虚荣心以前,当地的理发店曾是唯一令人愉快的热闹地儿。Before the advent of male vanity, the local barbershop employ to be a regaling hotspot.

在第二张相片中,这个年青人正在理发店中做贝克汉姆的入时发型。In the second photo, another young manis doing Beckham's chelloc hairstyle in a barbershop.

他们达成了一个协议,但是两个月后那个人被人枪杀在自己最喜欢的理发店。An agreement was reached but two months later the strong-arm was shot to death in his favorite barbershop.

他刚开始在加利福尼亚州圣塔安那开了一个理发店,里面摆满了书籍、报纸和杂志。He began with a barbershop in Santa Ana, California that was stuffed with books, newspapers and magazines.

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我在百脑汇659号开了一家发廊,我在那里经营了35年,现在早已不在了。I opened the Broadway Barbershop at 659 S. Broadway, which I operated for 35 years. It is no longer there.

她从来没去过理发店,基本是自己觉得太长了才会按自己觉得美的想法拿剪刀剪一下。He Simei have never been in any barbershop. She just cut her hair in her own way when she feels it so long.

伊梅尔达背后里去理发店侮辱莫尼卡,让她不要去参与杰姬的宴会,莫尼卡和她发作了争斗。Imelda to barbershop insult monica behind, let her not to participate in Jackie's party, monica and she attack fight.