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我崇拜她!I adore her!

我崇拜你!I adore you!

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我爱晒日光浴。I adore sun-bathing.

我非常喜爱亚纶。I really adore Arron.

我是如此崇敬汝之神性。I adore thee as Divine.

齐来崇拜我救主。O come, let us adore Him.

你能不喜爱他吗?How could you not adore him?

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科威特人绝对喜欢伦敦。Kuwaitis absolutely adore London.

我最爱的还有地下的海草地毯。And the sea grass rug – I adore it!

我就喜爱你的发型!I simply adore the way your hair is done!

人们因为他人格高贵而敬重他。People adore him for his noble character.

齐来崇拜我主基督。O come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord.

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齐来,虔诚同崇拜,主基督。O come, let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord.

首先,很倾慕你啊,23了皮肤这么好。First, it adore you, ah, 23 the skin so well.

它们遥遥相望,彼此思念,彼此倾慕。They look and adore each other in the distance.

你热衷政策工作,而且为政府工作。You adore policy work and work for the government.

我无法忍受了,我再也不会崇敬造物主了。I cannot bear it, and can no longer adore my Creator.

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一些人说他冷血。同时有一些人崇拜他的魅力。Some hate his cold-blood, while some adore his charm.

玻璃桌面的桌子正是我所喜爱的。Tables with glass tops are something that I just adore.

这位小兄弟何以对当今圣上如此推崇?This small brothers why to nowadays angel up adore thus?