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困难压不倒我们。No difficulty can overwhelm us.

不要让问题将自己打垮。Do not let the problems overwhelm you.

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不要让这些问题难倒你。Do not let these concerns overwhelm you.

你会充满赞赏和崇拜之情。Adoration and admiration will overwhelm you.

过多的糖份添加将水果的有益成分完全淹没。Added sugars overwhelm any of the fruit benefits.

本能的直觉,是否已淹没你的理性?Can you feel your instincts overwhelm your reason?

脊椎压到神经要怎么样治疗啊?Vertebral overwhelm how does nerve want treatment?

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斯第尔顿奶酪的气味并没有盖住鲑鱼的香味。The Stilton doesn't overwhelm the flavour of the trout.

不要让太多的改变一下子将你压倒。Don't overwhelm yourself with too much change all at once.

人多势众的需求,责备,叫骂。Overwhelm with numerical strength demand, blame, shouting.

主要是不要让那种事业型的爱好淹没了你。The key is to not let the hobby-as-business overwhelm you.

现实世界确实使许多人手无足措。We live in a world that can and does overwhelm many people.

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但是这个满目疮痍、血淋淋的年代仅用事实就让我目不暇接。But the era, its ruins, and its blood overwhelm us with facts.

而USB3.0规范也将在技术规格上超越火线800。These would also typically overwhelm FireWire 800 connections.

被工作压倒的感觉常常来自于工作中根本的问题。A sense of overwhelm is often at the root of our work problems.

您会打惠斯特就更使外祖父喜出望外了。You will overwhelm my grandfather with delight if you play whist.

他们的任务是夺取桥梁,击溃守敌。Their mission was to seize the bridges and overwhelm the garrison.

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使用此剑者可以降伏诸候,统御天下。He who uses this sword can overwhelm marquis and rule all countries.

我们的工作步伐加快,但是压倒性的情绪和压力就开始了并可能继续下去。We work faster and faster, but then the overwhelm and stress sets in.

你的抑郁情绪是出于你一直以来不停的摇摆和忍耐。Your feelings of overwhelm are related to the mood swings you endure.