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埋藏一粒种子。Imbed a seed in it.

不要吃掉你的种子。Do not eat your seed.

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每粒种子都是一个渴望。Every seed is a longing.

上帝的种子在我们每个人的心中。The seed of God is in us.

这圣洁的苗裔,就是这国的馀干。The holy seed is its stump.

玉米种子是人家送的。The seed corn was given me.

那部机器从油菜籽榨出油。The seed of the rape plant.

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给莲蓉馅称重。Weigh the lotus seed paste.

播一颗种子盼它快快长大。A little seed for me to sow.

他们是亚伯拉罕的后裔吗?Are they the seed of Abraham?

花已凋谢结子了。The flowers have run to seed.

你有任何植物或种籽吗?。Do you have any plant or seed?

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他种的莴苣已结籽。His lettuces have run to seed.

大多数植物靠种子繁殖。Most plants propagate by seed.

我种的莴苣已结子。My lettuces have gone to seed.

保持神秘,但是要播下种子。Stay vague but plant the seed.

农民往地里下种。Farmers put seed in the ground.

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他种的莴苣已结籽。His lettuces have gone to seed.

亚麻籽是我的最爱。Flax seed is a favorite of mine.

就像一颗种子般发了芽。It was like a seed had sprouted.