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卡拉什尼科夫枪,苏联。The Kalashnikov gun, the USSR.

一直永远地停留在了苏联的时代。always and forever in the USSR.

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如果苏联延续到2061年会怎样?What If The USSR Existed In 2061?

史太林是苏联的第一个统治者。B. Stalin was the first ruler of the USSR.

苏联的砂矿矿床比较丰富。Placer deposit is highly developed in USSR.

这个恐怖组织成立于前苏联解体之后。Formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR.

苏联是如此为这个加速器而自豪。The USSR was so proud of the synchrophasotron.

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土库曼加盟共和国脱离了苏联。The Republic of Turkmenistan disjointed from USSR.

赖莎曾经是苏联最独特的”第一夫人“。Raisa was the most unusual “first lady” of the USSR ever.

从以战建国到和平建国的转变中,美国、苏联的作用不可低估。Dining the first two stages, USA and USSR played an important role.

罐头食品交付战争年代根据租借法案向苏联。Canned food delivered in the war years under lend-lease to the USSR.

他曾随苏联青年队出席1991年世界青年足球锦标赛。He capped for USSR Youth Team in 1991 FIFA World Youth Championship.

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它是前苏联第一处也是最大的钻石矿脉。It was the first, and one of the largest, diamond Pipes in the USSR.

在历史上,大概没有几个国家像苏联一样产生多这么多的疯狂科学家了吧。Few nations in history have produced more mad scientists than the USSR.

国庆假期将到,看,我的祝愿风风火火地来了!National Day holiday will to, look, my blessing to the USSR to! ! ! ! !

美国和英国向被苏联封锁的柏林地区空投物资。The US and Britain airlift supplies into a Berlin blockaded by the USSR.

这一切都是为了向苏联表明,发射井确实已经被销毁了。This was all to show the USSR that the site was actually decommissioned.

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20世纪60年代,苏联引领了太空与核科学研究的前沿。In 1960 the USSR took the lead in exploration of space and nuclear science.

无产者们,要看到由吃腐肉的乌鸦计划的突袭苏联行动!Proletarian, be aware of the raid to the USSR planned by the carrion crows!

俄罗斯在洗刷前苏联瓦解之后所蒙受的屈辱。And Russia is making up for past humiliations after the collapse of the USSR.