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大多数爆发未加研究。Most outbreaks go unstudied.

以自然的文雅、优雅、魅力等。With unstudied elegance, Grace, charm, etc.

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人工湿地的生物多样性是一个新问题。As a new type of ecosystem, its plant diversity remains unstudied.

我将去接你,和你同去采撷无穷的幸福。I'm always there for you, and for my boundless bliss , untapped and unstudied.

我将去接你,和你同去采颉无穷的幸福。I'm always there for you, and for our boundless bliss, untapped and unstudied.

但是问题是,反对者并不能拿出观测数据没有覆盖的区域的相反观测数据。And yet these people are unable to find any contradictory data from the unstudied areas.

尽管有无数收藏品证明了语录极受欢迎,但做为一种文学形式来说,语录一直以来大多未被探究。Despite its immense popularity attested by countless collections, the quotation as a literary form has gone largely unstudied.

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也许他的这种不修边幅的气派,不仅不会减少,而且只会增加他那堂堂仪表和魁伟身材的特殊魅力。Perhaps the peculiar effect of his fine farm and great stature was increased rather than lessened, by this unstudied and disdainful air of indifference.

这种小恐龙称为伊氏西爪龙,它的化石是于1982年在加拿大阿尔伯塔省约7500万年前恐龙公园组地层中被挖掘出来的,但之后的25年中一直未加以研究。The remains of the diminutive dinosaur, called Hesperonychus, were excavated at the 75m-year-old Dinosaur Park Formation site in Alberta in 1982, but had lain unstudied for 25 years.

边疆服务的历史,对于认识基督教传教活动在近代中国经历的变化,提供了一个为以往的研究忽略了的重要例证。The history of the frontier service provides a very important and hitherto unstudied example through which we can understand the changes that Christian missionary activities underwent in modem China.

边疆服务的历史,对于认识基督教传教活动在近代中国经历的变化,提供了一个为以往的研究忽略了的重要例证。The history of the frontier service provides a very important and hitherto unstudied example through which we can understand the changes that Christian missionary activities underwent in modern China.