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附耳过来说句话。A word in your ear.

附耳过来说句话。AA word in your ear.

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我左耳耳鸣。My left ear tingles.

我揪他的耳朵。I pull him by the ear.

她立刻把它贴在了耳朵上。It flashed to her ear.

有上帝在他的耳畔嘀咕。God whispers in his ear.

请君为我倾耳听。Please listen to my ear.

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猫在我耳边叫。The cat meows in my ear.

的确,他切去了自己的耳朵。Yes, he cut off his ear.

一声渺远的海浪声传入我的耳朵。A far sea moves in my ear.

哎唷,水灌进耳朵里去了。Argh! Get water in my ear.

左耳朵进,右耳朵出。One ear in, the other out!

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高粱抽穗了。The sorghum is in the ear.

这些是胎儿的耳骨。These are fetal ear bones.

哎唷,水灌进耳朵里去了。Argh ! get water in my ear.

耳边微风息息。Interest income ear breeze.

我耳边响起了雷鸣般的说话声。A voice thundered in my ear.

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油耳能治吗?Can the oily ear administer?

他对音乐有鉴赏能力。He has a good ear for music.

他的右耳被割除了。His right ear was taken off.