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在马德里,轻松与欢快交织一片。In Madrid, relief and rejoicing intertwine

终点预示着一个巨大欢庆的时刻。The end bespeaks a time of great rejoicing.

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唐娜陶醉在她新发现的自由王国里。Dona was rejoicing in her new-found freedom.

你,多好,为我的纤纤素手而欢笑。You're lucky, rejoicing in my delicate hands.

许多人也许正开心天降甘霖呢。Many people maybe are rejoicing over the rain.

必须通过哀恸,才能有喜乐和欢愉。The road to joy and rejoicing is through mourning.

这样的好收成,我们怎能不高兴呢?。How can we help rejoicing over such a good harvest?

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我们的盼望和喜乐,并所夸的冠冕,是什么呢。For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing?

几小时后,德国人开始了他们的庆祝。Several hours later the Germans began their rejoicing.

整个广场歌声嘹亮,喜气洋洋。The whole square was alive with singing and rejoicing.

向前去吧,在太一的大能与和平中欢欣鼓舞。Go forth rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One.

找著了,就欢欢喜喜的扛在肩上,回到家里。And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

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向前去吧,在太一的大能与和平中欢欣鼓舞。Go forth rejoicing in the power and the peace of the one Creator.

我们看到他们的希望化为泡影,他们的欢乐变成哀泣。We saw their hope turn into a snare, and their rejoicing into weeping.

我的主啊,说这些的时候我不禁满眼含泪,在灵魂深处,我也感到无比欣喜。O my Lord, I cannot say this without tears and a great rejoicing in my soul.

三个年轻的妇女感谢聪明的孩子,欢欢喜喜地回娘家了。The three young women thanked the wise child, and went on their way rejoicing.

弟兄们,我在主基督耶稣里,指着你们所夸的口,极力的说,我是天天冒死。I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our LORD, I die daily.

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我们背负着它,播种者,耕耘着,收获着,欣喜地走向生命的远方。We carry with it, planting, plowing the harvest of rejoicing towards life afar.

欣喜于得到智慧财产权,剽窃者制造出盗版。Rejoicing with getting the Intellectual Property Rights, Plagiarist made Piracy.

当路得和波阿斯诞下俄备得后,伯利恒城充满极大的喜乐!What great rejoicing there was in Bethlehem when Obed was born to Ruth and Boaz!