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坐冰橇是最受旅游爱好者喜爱的一项活动。Coasting on ice in a sled is a favourite sport of holiday-makers.

所以当你加到一定速度,然后你便匀速上升的时候So, you picked up some speed, then you're coasting along at a steady speed.

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很可能他们不希望看到的怪异度假村附近滑行任何地方。Chances are they don't want to be seen coasting anywhere near the geeky resort.

但由于土壤侵蚀、暴雨成灾,每年造成很大经济损失。Because coasting soil erosion and becoming disaster, every year this causes big economic loss.

自此以后,我们几乎将我们的国防彻底放弃了,军费开支只占GDP的百分之一。Since then we have been coasting our military into oblivion on a 1-percent-of-GDP defense budget.

比尔和简正在山上滑行,他们的雪橇从山上滑下来,比尔驾驶着雪橇,简紧紧地抓着雪橇。Bill and Jane were coasting on a hill. Down the hill went the sled. Bill steered. Jane held on tightly.

有些人认为滑行并不怎么省油,因为启动引擎耗油。Some people think that coasting is less fuel-efficient because it takes up fuel to start up the engine.

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罗斯教授说,那些想早点到达这种“临界”水平的人应该注意自己的饮食习惯。Professor Rose says that those wanting to fast-forward to this "coasting" stage should look to their diet.

这样的表达接连出现,当情节铺陈完毕后,整部书开始顺着自身的原动力航行。These occur some way along, after the plot has been laid and the book begins coasting on its own momentum.

在欧洲其他国家被迫勒紧腰带的时候,德国在危机中似乎是毫发无损。While the rest of Europe is forced to tighten its belt, Germany appears to be coasting through the crisis.

特殊切割时,锯片滑转会加大锯口,引起切割精度误差,这项功能就很有用了。It is useful when making certain cuts in wood where a coasting blade would result in a wide, imprecise cut.

滑行的另一好处是维护你爱车运转部件的效能以及减少损耗。Another advantage to coasting is that you preserve the strength and the integrity of your car’s moving parts.

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滑行的关键是在稳稳当当地行使在道路笔直部分前尽可能增大速度。The key to coasting is to build up as much speed as you can before cruising on the straight parts of the road.

他可觉得他美妙的运球小动作感应对劲,年夜而闲庭信步地回到后场,可是这并不被教练许可。He could have strolled back, pleased with himself for a nice little dribble, but coasting doesn't wash with this manager.

在红海上,飘浮着星罗棋布的渔舟和小船,其中有些船只,依然还保持着古代船只的那种美丽的式样。A number of fishing-smacks and coasting boats, some retaining the fantastic fashion of ancient galleys, were discernible on the Red Sea.

苗栗及彰化、云林地区的沿海区域,部份地下水监测井分析结果显示,已被海水影响有盐化现象。Results of some monitor wells in coasting area of Miao-li, Chang-hwa and Yun-lin have showed that salinization may be caused by sea water.

事实上,欧洲遭受了惯性,教育和产业成就滑坡,靠积累的财富过活。Indeed, Europe suffered from inertia, coasting on educational and industrial achievements of the past, and living off its accumulated wealth.

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这台锯带有自动电刹车。松开开关后,这种设计可以在两秒钟内终止锯片的惯性滑转。Your saw has an automatic electric brake which is designed to stop the blade from coasting in about two seconds after you release the trigger switch.

海浪由于在形成过程中受到物理规律的制约,从而呈现与海岸线近似于平行的弱边缘。Because of being restricted by the physics rule during the forming process, ocean wave presents feebleness fringe approximately paralleled to the coasting.

那时机动船都没有离合器,靠岸时你必须适时关闭马达,将舵打死。Motor boats in those days didn't have clutches, and you would make a landing by shutting off the motor at the proper time and coasting in with a dead rudder.