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这是莱顿大学医学中心的网站。This is the website of the Leiden University Medical Center.

他去了莱顿医学院,他想看看如何解剖人体He went to the Leiden Medical School, because he wanted to see how you dissected bodies.

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这是莱顿大学数学与自然科学学院的网站。This is the website of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Leiden University.

1618年他在莱顿和伊丽莎白·巴克结婚,被当地人称作“伦敦来的印刷匠”。He was married in Leiden in 1618 to Elizabeth Barker, and was called a printer of London at the time.

而我在这儿是想了解关于郁金香的知识,于是我到了利登大学的植物园。But I'm here to learn something about tulips, so I make my way to the Hortus Botanicus in Leiden University.

他到低地国家旅行,随后与莱顿的清教徒教会相熟。He was traveling in the Low Countries, and subsequently became acquainted with the Pilgrims' church in Leiden.

荷兰莱登汉学院图书馆珍藏了高罗佩的藏书和墨宝。The Institute of Sinology at the University of Leiden houses a collection of van Gulik's books and manuscripts.

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这份手稿是在爱因斯坦的老朋友、莱登大学教授保罗·埃伦费斯的学术论文中发现的。The manuscript was with papers belonging to a friend of Einstein, Paul Ehrenfest, who was a professor at Leiden.

海牙孔子学院由中国山东大学国际教育学院与荷兰莱顿大学海牙分院合作组建。The institute was jointly founded by Leiden university Campus Den Haag and International Education Institute of Shandong University,.

海牙孔子学院坐落在莱顿大学海牙分院校区,与莱顿大学海牙分院共享行政与教学资源。Confucius Institute occupies a superior location and shares administrative and teaching resources with Leiden University Campus Den Haag.

几年之后,两个莱顿的学生,古德米斯特和乌伦贝克,提出电子其实是在自旋的。And several years later these two graduate students at Leiden by the name of Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck proposed that the electron in fact spins.

几年之后,两个莱顿的学生,古德米斯特和乌伦贝克,提出电子其实是在自旋的。And several years later these two graduate students at Leiden by the name of Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck proposed that the electron in fact spins.

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现在,荷兰莱顿天文台的天文学家伊格纳斯·斯奈伦及同事证明了这样的光学观测是可行的。Astronomers Ignas Snellen of Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands and colleagues have now demonstrated that such optical observations are feasible.

自2003年以来,他一直单位雷登大学摄影大师研究课程的讲师,并于2006年担任世界新闻摄影大赛评委。He has been a lecturer for the Masters in Photographic Studies at Leiden University since 2003, and joined the Supervisory Board of World Press Photo in 2006.

这个计划是由诺丁汉大学带头的,还有来自北京、荷兰莱顿、德国柏林的大学研究者也加入到其中。The programme is being led by the University of Nottingham working with researchers in universities in Beijing, Leiden in the Netherlands and Bremen in Germany.

荷兰莱顿小镇上有一位没有天分的街头音乐家,每天演奏刺耳的萨克斯。当地居民不堪忍受,让警察没收了他的乐器。A talentless street musician in the Dutch town of Leiden got local people so upset by his awful saxophone playing that they got police to confiscate his instrument.

荷兰莱顿小镇上有一位没有天分的街头音乐家,每天演奏刺耳的萨克斯。当地居民不堪忍受,让员警没收了他的乐器。A talentless street musician in the dutch town of leiden got local people so upset by his awful saxophone playing that they got police to confiscate his instrument.

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相比于其它大学排名法,莱顿大学排名展现了更先进的科学影响力及学术合作指标,并用了更简单易懂的研究方法。Compared with other university rankings, the Leiden Ranking offers more advanced indicators of scientific impact and collaboration and uses a more transparent methodology.

伊拉兹马斯大学的鹿特丹管理学院和莱顿大学的中国系已经宣布了一个新的“中国经济和商业”管理项目。The Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, and the Chinese Department of Leiden University have announced a new Masters program in Chinese Economy and Business.

该研讨会由武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院和荷兰莱顿大学格劳秀斯国际法研究中心联合举办。The seminar by the Chinese border and Marine research institute, wuhan university and the university of Leiden grotius research center, jointly organized by international law.