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有许多诸如波茨坦宫殿这样的宫廷建筑It's got Potsdam Palace and all of this.

长途客车早上从波茨坦开出。The coach departs Potsdam in the morning.

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波茨坦在天体物理学院建造了一座“爱因斯坦塔”。Potsdam built an Einstein Tower in its Astro-Physical Institute.

我们参观了波茨坦协议签署地、逍遥宫和花园。We visited the Potsdam agreement is signed, liberty hall and gardens.

奥伯林众议院在波茨坦,德国和奥伯林学院在俄亥俄州被命名为他。Oberlin House in Potsdam , Germany, and Oberlin College in Ohio are named for him.

弗雷德里克大帝的父亲有一支出名的私人卫队,被称为“波茨坦精锐部队”。The father of Frederick the Great had a famous private guard company—the Potsdam Grenadiers.

接着,他以弗雷德里克二世在波茨坦检阅部队的神气,挨个儿对那三个“通烟囱的”说And passing them in review with a glance of a Frederick II. at a Potsdam parade, he said to the three "chimney-builders"

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波茨坦会议上美英苏三大国在德国赔偿问题上各自的立场不同并产生争论。In Potsdam Conference, the conflicts in German reparations arose due to the different standing positions of the U. S. , the U.

征战世界杯的乌克兰队下榻于波茨坦一家湖畔酒店。星期二球队抱怨说那里的青蛙吵得让他们难以入睡。Ukraine's World Cup players complained Tuesday that frogs were disturbing the sleep of the squad at their lakeside hotel in Potsdam.

1945年,二战将近结束时,波茨坦会议划分了三八线,这条线差不多把朝鲜分为两半。The 38th parallel, which divides Korea roughly in half, was drawn up in 1945, at the Potsdam conference near the end of World War II.

斯蒂芬·拉姆斯托夫是波茨坦大学的海洋物理教授,也是德国全球气候变化咨询委员会成员。Stefan Rahmstorf is Professor of physics of the oceans at Potsdam University, and a member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change.

波茨坦会议上美英苏三大国在德国赔偿问题上各自的立场不同并产生争论。In Potsdam Conference, the conflicts in German reparations arose due to the different standing positions of the U. S. , the U. K. and the Soviet Union.

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他是波茨坦气候研究所所长,也是德国总理默克尔的气候变化问题顾问。” asked Hans Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research and climate change advisor to German chancellor Angela Merkel, in PNAS.

他们在沙子上画了一条线,就是波茨坦定下的三八线。They drew a line in the sand —or rather, in this case, in the rugged terrain in the middle of the Korean peninsula —where the 38th parallel had been set down at Potsdam.

而这份新报告的作者则引用了德国波茨坦气候变迁研究所斯蒂凡教授在2007年研究项目中的推测,认为到2100年海平面将会上升40厘米到150厘米。The authors cite a 2007 study by Prof Stephan Rahmstof at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Change Research which predicted a sea level rise of between 40cm-150cm by 2100.

位于柏林南部的波茨坦大学将为该校计算机专业的学生开设一门“调情课”,目的是让这些木讷的书呆子们学些调情技巧。Even the most quirky of computer nerds can learn to flirt with finesse thanks to a new "flirting course" being offered to budding IT engineers at Potsdam University south of Berlin.

波茨坦会议上,苏美英三大国商定了波兰的西部边界,并提出以民族自决的原则来解决波兰与苏德的边界问题。On the Potsdam Conference, the Russia, the America and the British established the western boundary of the Poland and advanced to solve this problem by people self-determination manner.